Chapter 6***

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Chapter 6:

Felix's P.O.V

As Sam and I walked back to the shelter, Sam kept on staring at me, to be honest, it was getting kind of annoying because I had no clue as to why he was staring at me, and with such anger as well.

"What the hell are you staring at? Do I have something on my face?" He shook his head, before sighing angrily.

"No, it's just; you seemed different when you came out of the shop. Well, not the first time but the second. And why was the witch lady asking you to come back to the shop? Was she talking about Blake? And also, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO BLAKE!? SHE FREAKING DISAPPEARED OFF THE FREAKING FACE OF THE EARTH, AND HASN'T BEEN SEEN IN OVER TWENTY-FOUR HOURS! AND YOU LET HER WALK AWAY. You could have stopped her— why did you let her leave Felix?" I cowered away from him. For some reason, I felt intimidated by the complete idiot. I mumbled a reply,

"She asked me to," Sam furrowed his eyebrows, not hearing what I said, which was not something that I was desperate to respond to him.

"What?" I sucked in a breath. This was not fair, why was I worried about this asshole. He was nothing compared to me, and I knew what magic was, I know how to use it. I sent us here didn't I?!

"She asked me to, she said, 'We don't belong here', and she hopes we get home," Sam nodded at me, completely confused about what I was going on about.

"But that still doesn't explain why you seemed, well, happier. And to admit, it was kinda scary. You're not normally a happy person, and I understand that, but still, why were you so happy?" I froze, not literally, but I froze. How the hell am I going to get myself out of this one?

"Something happened," Please don't make me say more, Sam grabbed my arm and stopped me,

"What happened in there Felix, because it must have been good? Maybe we should go back and I can have some of what you had," WHAT?! This really pissed me off; I pulled my arm away from him and somehow found the strength to push him up against a tree,

"No way in hell, am I ever letting you kiss Blake. GOT IT?!" He nodded really quickly— I actually scared him? I pulled away from him, dropping him on the floor. Whoa, I didn't even realise I was holding him off of the ground. How was that possible? My eyes widened, CRAP, I just told one of my worst enemies that I kissed Blake— I guess he realised what I said as well,

"Whoa, hold up. You kissed Blake. As in Blake the hot girl we got lost with?"

"— Look, Sam, don't tell anyone, please, we kinda didn't mean for it to happen. Something was wrong with her, so Phoebe got me to kiss her, kiss Blake that is. So she left and we—" I ended up mumbling the end. Sam furrowed his eyes,

"What? You got to speak up man," I rolled my eyes and sighed,

"Weendedupmakingoutandigothardandweconfessedourloveforeachother," damn that was one hard thing to say. Sam's face turned annoyed,

"Say it, slowly. I don't care how weird it is, just tell me," I sighed again,

"We ended up making out and I got hard and we confessed our love for each other," Sam's eyes widened,

"Say what now? Why would she even go for someone like you? You're all creepy and gothic, and into weird black stuff. Wait— you love— her?" I nodded slowly,

"Well, I think I do, I don't know what to call it. But when I saved her from getting hit by a car the other day, I realised I had never seen her before in my life, and when I saw her face. I felt something inside of me, pulled her into my head. And now I can't get her out of—" Sam cut me off,

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