Chapter 10***

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Chapter 10:

"I don't know what happening, at first, my visions only happened when I was asleep. But lately they have been happening all the time, and I can't control them anymore. And in the last two, I have had, I've gotten hurt. BUT LOOK AT THE STINGS FELIX! They're— they're the same, exact same. I don't know—" I trailed off not knowing what to say, I defaulted to tears, I felt like it was the only thing I could do, I just felt so useless. I dropped to the floor before Felix could catch me. He came down with me pulling me into his arms, leaning against a tree.

So I just sat there, in Felix's arms, crying my eyes out, because that's all I'm good at, crying. If Felix was talking to me, I couldn't hear him. I guess I still hear my blood pumping— but it wasn't going fast like it should be if I was crying— this happened last time.

Back in Phoebe's shop, after Felix and I kissed for the first time, and I ran into the back room crying, the blood pumping and rushing wasn't in beat with my heart— at first it was going fast, really fast. Then it slowed down, a lot, and then I heard and felt Felix. He climbed on me and I stopped hearing the sound.

I pulled my head away from Felix, and the beating stopped. What the hell? I put my head back and it started up again holy crap. I pulled from Felix properly my heart racing a mile a minute; Felix stood up and started for me

"Felix— don't come near me—" I was going to say more, but what was I going to say, I didn't actually know what was going on," Felix stopped a metre away from me,

"Blake, what's going on? You know you can tell me," I shook my head, taking a step back, Felix followed, but towards me. I was trying to keep him safe. I didn't know—

'Kill him— he must pay— silence shall fall.' What the holy mother fucker!? It was another voice, this time, it was a man. Old, at least fifty or so, maybe younger,

"Felix, did you hear that?" Felix eyebrows furrowed,

"Hear what?" damn it, he can't hear it,

"Felix, I gotta go— and you have to stay away from me, I can't risk hurting you," I swallowed; I felt like I was drowning in my own spit, I swallowed again, what's going on? Felix had the same thought as me,

"Blake, what's going on?" I shook my head, confused and scared as hell,

"I don't know Felix, just stay away from me, I'll tell you when I'm safe again, something just tried to get me to kill you, something about making you pay, Felix, that just scared the living shit you of me, and guess what— for some reason, I felt like you should pay, but I don't know why. Just stay away from me as long as possible, god, Felix I'm not safe— I gotta go," I ran over picking up the blouse and ran back to the car, leaving Felix alone.

When Phoebe saw me she was so scared, she ran straight for me,

"Blake, are you okay? Tell me what's wrong," I nodded,

"I wanted to kill Felix, I almost did, but I stopped. Phoebe, some things wrong with me, I want to kill Felix, and it was all because a voice in the back of my head told me to. Oh Phoebe, what am I? Phoebe, I know I'm not human, or just a witch, I know there something you're not telling me. Phoebe, MY BIRTH MARK IS IN ALICE'S BOOK OF FUCKING SHADOWS! I KNOW I AM NOT HUMAN— am I a-a-a demon?" Phoebe winced as I said demon, so did I. She nodded,

"Yes, god I am so fucking sorry Blake, I didn't want you to find out this way, I actually hoped you were never going to find out. Look, Blake, I don't really want to talk about this out here, can we go back to the shop, I can explain more there," I nodded and climbed into the car.

*20 minutes later*

I hoped out of the car and went straight inside to the back room; I sat down at Phoebe's desk. I didn't really want to know, but I had to, I need to know if I was a danger to the boys, to Phoebe, to Felix. Phoebe came in,

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