Chapter 16***

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Chapter 16:

"Ouch mother fucker," I cocked my head to where the noise was coming from. I turned my head to the bathroom where Phoebe was now walking out of it. I sighed,

"Phoebe, why didn't you answer me? I was wondering where you were. I got worried," Phoebe frowned,

"Why were you worried?" I sobbed and walked into Phoebe's arms. I couldn't say it, I knew I had to. I took a big breath in and said the words I hate the most,

"Tahalia's dead. Phoebe, my Mum is dead. And I couldn't do anything about it," and with that, I broke down in the arms of my best friend. She held me as I cried. I cried for two reasons, one, the death of my mother. And two, the pain in my back. I felt like my heart and back was breaking at the same time.

As Phoebe's hand stroked my hair, the other held me close. As time went by, we didn't move from the place on the floor where I had broken down. Once I had calmed down, I started to ask Phoebe the questions that have been buzzing around my head all day,

"Phoebe, do you know of any spells that will heal my back?" Phoebe looked at me quizzically. We stood up and I showed her my back. I heard her gasp as she saw it. I felt like crying again, it was ugly. I whined as she touched it, making me bend away from it.

I pulled my shirt down turning to face Phoebe who was now walking over to her desk where Alice's book sat. I walked over to her, standing behind her and looking over her shoulder as she started flipping through the pages.

"Do you have anything? I need it gone before the next demon attack or I'm screwed," Phoebe nodded,

"I should have something right— here bingo," I leant down to see the page she was on. It was a healing spell, simple and mediocre; I don't need anything other than some of the elements and a piece of jewellery.

Okay, easy. I started to walk around the room gathering the things I would need. I grabbed a candle with a lighter, and two small bowls and one more slightly larger than the first two. With the smaller ones, I filled one up with dirt from outside and the other with water from the bottle.

I lit the candle setting it the three elements in a triangle with the larger bowl sitting in the middle of them all. I nodded walking over to Phoebe who was still sitting at the desk staring at the book. Is she worried about Alice? I tapped her on the shoulder,

"Phoebe, are you okay?" she turned to face me,

"Yeah, I just don't like the number of injuries you are getting from being here. Is there anything you can do to stop it?" I shrugged,

"No, I don't really know. It's not something I can control. If it involves the boys and the demon, then there is a high chance I might get hurt. But it doesn't matter. All will be done in a few days. The boys will go home and I will be where I need to be," Phoebe was confused, I don't think I told her this yet. I sighed,

"I have seen my fate twice. Both were differing in major components. In the first one, it was plain and simple; I kill Felix and then get killed by Sam. But this one was different, way different. Bates, Oscar and Sgt Riles were all possessed and trying to kill Felix. Roland, you and all the boys were there including me. Then the demon traded Oscar for Roland and tried to keep us away from you. Then I killed myself in front of Felix, then Sam cast some spell and I woke up," this confused Phoebe to the max,

"Why would you do something like that?" I frowned,

"You don't get it. I was the one that tricked Felix into doing the spell. He doesn't know it was me, to him it was just a dream, but it really happened. That as when ----- went into negative space," Phoebe nodded as I explained everything,

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