Chapter 18***

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Chapter 18:

Blake's P.OV

When we finally arrived at the hospital Andy and Sam were already there and they were stressing out about Jake who still wasn't here. I too looked around worried for Jake. Although I don't really know him that well, I still cared for him deeply, I mean, if he didn't have any potential, we wouldn't even be here. I sighed and turned to Felix who was gone. I was shocked and I turned again to see him going into a closing door.

I ran over pulling the door open just in time to see Felix turn and face the mothers, asleep and laying on beds. I sighed and walked over to him. I could tell he was stressed so I pulled him into my arms,

"Felix, it is okay to be sad or scared. I'm worried too, but I trust you to be able to pull this off," Felix wouldn't look at me. I sighed and pulled away from him,

"Felix tell me what you're thinking." Felix shook his head, and finally looked at me,

"I can't do it Blake; there is no way I am going to be able to save them." I sighed and gripped Felix's face in both my hands and held on tightly,

"Felix, if you don't think you can do this, I don't think I will ever be able to look at you again. If you do not go and save their mothers, I will either have to kill you or find some way to never see you again okay? I am not going to let you be responsible for four people's death, even though it isn't your fault for this happening, you know how to fix it and it will work. So please, do it for me?" Felix smiled and placed one of his leather gloved hands on my cheek. I returned the smile and moved my face more into his intoxicating touch. I sighed happily, my hands falling to my sides. I closed my eyes and I felt Felix's lips on mine. I sighed again and tried to move more into Felix, but his hand was stopping me from moving. When he pulled away I frowned,

"Felix—" I whined. I didn't want to stop kissing him, ever. But I guess one day I really will never be able to kiss him again. I sighed internally at the thought,

"If I don't stop now, I won't be able to hold myself back." I nodded and laughed in realisation. How could I have been so stupid? I could now feel the connection between the two of us. I pulled away from Felix, grabbing his hand and dragging him into the closet next to where their mothers were. This was the room where we are planning on casting the spell, but it can be put on hold for a few more minutes.

I turned to face Felix and I pulled him close to me. I quickly pecked him on the lips before running off and jumping up so I was sitting on the table. I signalled for Felix to come closer to me and that's exactly what he did. I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck while one of his hands sat on my hip and the other holding the back of my neck,

"Felix." I was so happy, and because I was so happy, I didn't have a brain to mouth filter anymore. Felix groaned in response and moved even closer to me if that were possible. I sighed tightening my grip on his neck, weaving one of my hands into his hair. The hand he had on my neck moved down to my ribs and settling underneath my— well my ribs, let's just stick with that.

We ripped apart from each other at the sound of the door opening. I pushed Felix away from me and looked at the person walking in. It was Andy and Sam. I sighed in frustration at the pair of them walking in. I jumped off the table and stood next to Felix,

"What's up boys?" Sam looked pissed, and Andy looked like he didn't understand what was even going on,

"Jake still isn't here and we're running out of time." I sighed and pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialled Phoebe's number and passed the phone to Felix,

"I can't be fucked. You can talk to her. It's your problem anyway not mine," Felix nodded and took the phone without a fuss. When Phoebe talked Felix was quick to talk,

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