Chapter 1

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I pull my legs to my chest and rest my chin on my knees. "Luna! Come inside!" The distant calls of my brother doesn't really register in my mind, or rather, I ignore him.

My feet were nuzzled into the snow, my purple eyes looking over the clean, undisturbed snow. A sigh escaped me, hearing my brother calling once more. I stand, stumbling a bit before turning to walk back to the house, once I reach my home, I sneeze.

"Luna! You're getting sick again!" Rigel, always the worrywart, hurried over to me. He too, barely wore any heavy clothing. Scooping me up, he cradled me to his chest. I said nothing and he sighed, "stop sulking. You know you can't be outside too long. Being used to the cold is one thing, but there are so many germs that can attack you."

While he speaks, I look him over and don't reply. His skin tone was a bit darker than my own and he had short hair that was slightly choppy since he cut it himself. The tips of his brown hair was dyed red and his eyes were a bold golden color. A dragon tattoo ran around his arms, wrapping them up in a similar way our mother had once had hers.

He took my silence as an answer, carrying me to the couch in our cozy cottage. "I made soup, stay there." He ordered, walking out the room a moment after. "Lulu....?" I look down, catching sight of my youngest brother, Sirius.

He smiles, his missing front teeth making my lips twitch. I picked him up and set him in my lap. "Why dwo you weave da comage if you gets wick?" He had a slight lisp, I pull him close to me and kiss his cheek. "The snow calls for me." My voice is soft and he smiles brightly. "Wif da snof cwall me?" My eyes widen a little before I close my eyes and pull him closer.

Nuzzling my cheek against his soft hair, I hum. "I hope not..." I whisper, feeling him shiver. I pull away and grab a blanket, wrapping him up in it. His soft white hair poked out and he giggled as he poked his head back out, heterochromatic eyes staring back at me.

"Here you two," Rigel enters with two bowls of soup. He hands them to us and Sirius thanks him. Sitting down, Rigel scoops up Sirius and smiles. "Let me help you big man." He chuckled, taking the spoon in the bowl as Sirius smiled and allowed it. The only time he'd allow anyone to baby him, was after being called 'big man'.

Looking at my own soup, I find the creamy substance too hot and blow on it. It cooled down almost immediately, my hands were freezing the sides of the bowl as well. "Luna...." Rigel frowned, noticing. "Stop freezing your food."

His demanding voice has tears welling in my eyes almost immediately, he was disappointed in me. "Ah! Dwon cwy Lulu! Wigle didm mean i'!" Sirius is quick to comfort me, waving his hands around. I sniffle, only a tear falling before I nod.

Rigel sighs and goes back to feeding Sirius once he can manage to get his calm attention once more. I pick up my spoon and begin to eat. The soup was still slightly warm, causing my body to heat up a little. That and the fireplace burning nearby had me shaking in mere moments.

I sneeze, curling up and letting my bowl fall to the floor. It was empty, thankfully. Rigel gets up, setting Sirius on his hip. I'm covered with a blanket and my eyes move up to meet Rigel's. "Get some rest," his order rung in my ears and I nodded.

Rigel leaned down and had Sirius wipe my sweat away before they both kissed my forehead. "Night Luna," Rigel whispered. They both left the room after grabbing the dirty dishes.

They'd be going to sleep soon, I had to stay by the fireplace. I hated it, it only made me feel horrible. I shut my eyes, listening to the cackling laughter from the fireplace, taunting me.

Turning away, I pull the blanket over my head. It'll only make me hotter but I don't care, anything to block out that laughter. Tears slip down my face as I grip the blanket tightly.

Big Hearts, Blurry Sights || Killua Zoldyck FanficWhere stories live. Discover now