Chapter 7

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I entered this into the HunterXHunter watty awards. ☆•☆ please support. I know I won't win but it'll make me feel better. :)

I walk to the room next door and just as Chairman Netero had said, my eyes widening at the large room. "Wow..." I mutter, glancing around in awe. I walk over to a chair, looking at big metal black cylinders and sitting down. "What's this?" I question to no one in particular, my hands touching the cool metal before I moved my attention back to what I came in here for.

Opening the book to the first page, I start to read...


Sweat poured down my back, my hair soaked and sticking to my skin, along with my shirt. I felt my temperature rising even more and bringing the backpack with me would probably have been a good idea. I pant, dropping to my knees. "H-Help...." My soft plea couldn't have been heard and soon, my vision begins to fade, my body dropping to the ground as my sight is shrouded in a blackness that couldn't be escaped.

Killua's POV

"Irritating old man..." I grumble to myself, 'there's nothing I can do about it though...' My arm bumps into some guy's as I pass by and he stops, "hey! Apologize." He orders but I keep walking. "Why you little...!" Him and his friend charge at me and a second later, their corpses are on the floor.

I smirk smugly and relax my hands back into their normal position. "I better find Lulu..." I mutter as an afterthought; the meek looking girl had been the least worry on my mind. "Lulu," I frown at her name. My thoughts only briefly wander to her real name before I sigh, that's not important. I just need her here until the end of the exam, then I'll return her home... Probably.

Shaking my head, shaking off the thought of the end of the exams. "Ugh..." I heard a soft groan coming from around the corner and I'm immediately more alert, "Lulu." I state, positive. I walk forward, stopping and pressing my back against the wall when I heard another voice. "Open wide Lulu-Chan!" I peek out the corner but before I can get a mere glance of the scene, a murderous aura freezes me in my tracks and I feel a cold sweat break out onto my forehead.

Another groan of what seemed to be pain, came from Lulu. I wanted to move, wanted to force myself to look at what was going on but that aura had me stuck in place. "There you go, you ought to be more careful. Who else would find you next time? After all, your caretaker seems to be rather incompetent." That felt like a stab in my direction and I heard a low whimper before the person stood up and walked away.

As soon as they were far enough, I darted around the corner, catching Lulu laying on a small couch. She had a wet towel on her forehead and with further inspection, her face was fairly hot. The thought of her ice came to mind and I looked down, finding the canister sitting on top of the cooler, a note attached.

It read:

Better take more care of your crystals. ;)

-H. Jester

There was a card on the back of the note, it was a joker. I grit my teeth, my hand crushing the piece of parchment. "K-Killua..." A weak voice sounded, I looked up and immediately stood. "Lulu! Are you alright? I'm sorry, I had forgotten about your condition a-and—..." I stopped myself, why was I apologizing?

My gaze hardened at the girl laying with her eyes half open. "Why did you run off? You could've died, then you'd be risking your family's life." My voice was cold and I noticed how she tensed a bit, even in her weakened state. Tears welled in her eyes and her bottom lip trembled, "I-I'm sorry." She apologized with a trembling voice, stabbing me in the heart and reminding me of how cruel I was. 'Exactly why Gon is a much better person than me.' I sighed, putting away all the items and slinging the bag over my shoulder.

I slip my arms under her legs and back before lifting her up. "I-I c-can wa-alk!" She exclaimed softly, her gaze darting anywhere but at me. "Sure," I roll my eyes at her remark and continue walking. I notice the tears trailing down her cheeks but don't say a word as we head to the rooms. We reach a door and I open it, walking inside. "Kurapika, Leorio, we'll be heading to bed now." Leorio's eyes bugged out and Lulu hid her face against my chest so they wouldn't see her tears.

"What do you mean going to bed? TOGETHER?!" I notice Kurapika face-palming and send Leorio a blank look myself. 'Although I don't think that that's such a bad idea, it might stop her from going off and running her mouth.' I set her down on the bed across from the old teenager and Kurapika, setting my bag down on the ground. She hides her face with her bangs and looks away from me. "Lulu, go shower." I order and she stands up immediately, probably not in the mood to say anything otherwise, and makes a beeline to the bathroom.

"Is something wrong with Lulu-san?" Kurapika asks immediately, once Lulu has shut the bathroom door. I frown before nodding and scratching my neck. "Y-Yeah actually, since she's a part of my distant family, she's feeling a bit homesick." I lied easily, seeing Leorio and Kurapika both frown at my explanation. Kurapika looked a bit thoughtful, as if momentarily not believing me, but soon sighed.

"Poor Lulu-chan," Leorio voiced. He had a slightly sad look on his face, already showing me that he'd try something to make her feel better later on. 'Darn it, that probably wasn't the best idea. Now whenever they try to talk to her and it'll become even harder to keep her mouth shut.' I scowled at myself but soon stopped when I noticed Kurapika looking in my direction. "So Killua-kun, do you miss your family?"

Kurapika's question was so sudden, I responded truthfully with a scoff. "Miss them? Me?" I laugh before flopping back onto the bed, "the only feeling I have towards my family is hatred." I stated bluntly and the two were taken aback, I could tell that much without even looking. "Th-Then why is Lulu-chan with you?" I pause at Leorio's question before replying simply, "I don't hate her as much."

Lulu's POV

I clutch the towel closer to myself and bite my lip, 'he hates me just a little less than his family? I wonder how much he likes Gon?' I scoff, rubbing my red rimmed eyes. 'As if I'd ever reach that level. He kidnapped me after all. A whining, sickly, crybaby.' I glance at my dripping wet hair and scowl. I really had no one there for me.

My thoughts trailed off to when I had woken up, I wasn't feeling the greatest nor was I particularly coherent. 'But... wasn't that Hisoka I saw?' Maybe I was dreaming, 'why would I dream about the guy who makes me want to scream and run?' I shake my head and run my fingers through my hair.

Wait...Chairman Netero's book! I slam the bathroom door open, running over to Killua's bag. I open it up and rummage through it, ignoring the men in the room. I manage to find the paper book and sigh in relief, closing the bag once more without pulling it out. "Lulu, what was all that about?" I hear Killua ask once I finally tune back in to what they're all saying.

I blink, staring at him, then my gaze flitters over to Leorio and Kurapika. Leorio was on the ground, a puddle of blood surrounding him. Kurapika was winding his arm around, looking as if he were trying to work out a cramp. I frown, confused when Kurapika flashes me a smile without opening his eyes. "Lulu-san, you should go back in the bathroom. I'll go buy you some clothes."

I blink, looking down before feeling my face heat up. "K-Kay..." I stutter, getting up and scurrying into the bathroom. I close and lock the door, clutching my towel even tighter. "G-Geez, Killua seemed so nonchalant about it..." I mutter with a huff, still embarrassed.

Kurapika's POV

I exit the room, a smirk appearing on my lips once I get out. 'Distant family huh?' I chuckle, shaking my head. "Doesn't seem like it to me," I voice and head for the shop. What Lulu hadn't noticed was the red tint to Killua's cheek, or the murderous look he gave to Leorio when he caught him with a nosebleed. 'If I wouldn't have punched Leorio just now...' I shudder at the thought, buying Lulu a purple dress that didn't quite hold a candle to her vibrant eyes. 


Word Count: 1482 

Hope someone will read this book and like it. >.<

Reaper- You have no hope. -_-



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