Chapter 6

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We arrive at Mt. Split-in-Half a few hours later and I successfully get an earful from Killua that I hadn't wanted. Everyone loads off the blimp fairly quickly. "Okay, our objective this time is to gather boiled eggs!" Menchi announces, earning groans and complaints from the crowd again. She walks forward, all of us following her to the edge. "Look down there, that's a Spider Eagle's web, they build it in these ravines to protect their young from predators." Menchi's attention is drawn to a contestant, "then how do you expect us to get it?" Menchi smirks and takes a step forward...

Off the edge of the cliff.

All of our eyes widen as she falls, catching herself on a web. I sigh in relief, unfortunately it is short lived and Menchi lets go again, grabbing a egg as she fell past it. 'I actually liked Menchi...' I think to myself and frown, feeling my lip tremble. Feeling someone's gaze on me, I glance up and catch Killua's eye with my own teary ones. He sighs and pats my head, trying to calm me down.

All of a sudden, there's a major updraft and I have to hold onto the edge of Killua's shirt to stop it from flying off. 'He just had to be a bit bigger than me.' I grumble, cheering up immediately when Menchi flies back up with an egg in her hands. I then realize that if she had to do that, then so did I. "So cool," I heard both Gon and Killua mumble. Killua grabbed my hand as the Chairman went on to explain the reason for the gust of wind.

"Let's goooo!" Gon cheered, jumping off Killua and I following behind. I released a terrified squeal, my heart rate picking up. Killua grabs on to a thread, swinging me up so I could grab one. I did so successfully, struggling to hold myself up. "Just don't let go," Killua orders and I nod.

"The web won't hold us all!" Kurapika announces when the web's threads begin to break. I close my eyes and bite my lip. "Not yet..." Gon tells us, making sure we don't let go yet. My arms begin to tremble and I bite my lip even harder, drawing a bit of blood. "Screw this!" We watch a few people release the web and drop into the chasm, their screams echoing in my ears.

I want to cover my ears but there wasn't a chance I'd let go of this web. "Now!" Gon shouts, the web suddenly breaking. "Grab a egg!" Killua orders me and I don't think, just reach out my hands and grab an egg from the cluster near me as I fall. Another scream tears from my throat and I clutch the egg to my chest, not hard enough to break it. Tears slip out my eyes, my body suspended in the air for a moment before I'm suddenly thrust up with everyone else. The air current was really strong, able to lift us all.

"Yay!" Gon and the others cheer while I simply try to gather my existence. "Never again..." I mutter, Killua yanking me away from the open chasm. I land on the ground and give Menchi my egg once she comes to gather it since it didn't look like I was getting up anytime soon. Killua helped me up, making sure I didn't wobble before he let me stand on my own.

"Todo-San!" I turn to watch as Gon holds up his boiled dream egg, allowing Todo to taste it. I sat down and Killua walked over to me, handing me my boiled dream egg. "Good job," he complimented and I peeled off the eggshell of my dream egg. "What do you mean? I know you cut the rope so I wouldn't hold on too long." I stated softly and he bit into his egg, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

I glared slightly but left it alone, he probably just wanted me to feel better. 'Really? Want me to feel better...? He kidnapped me from my home, how could anything he does make me feel better?' I questioned myself before abruptly standing up, about to walk away. "Excuse me," a new voice cut in and I had to look up. It was Todo.

"Please forgive me for my disrespect earlier. I now know that even cooking is important when it comes to hunting." He apologized and I shook my head frantically when he began to bow. "Th-There's no need to apologize!" I rush, trying to get him to stop bowing, it drew too much attention and Killua was already mad that I spoke to someone again.

Big Hearts, Blurry Sights || Killua Zoldyck FanficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ