Chapter 9

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Something is poking my cheek.




Po- "Would you stop?!" My voice came out scratchy and high-pitched, opening my eyes slowly. I found Gon crouching next to me, his eyes wide. "Lulu-chan! You're awake!" I internally roll my eyes but find him amusing nonetheless. Gon picks something up and holds a spoon to my mouth. I open my mouth slowly, blinking in surprise when ice takes up the vacant space in my mouth.

"Get better quick Lulu-chan! Our time here is almost up!" Gon chirped and I tilted my head, time? "This idiot over here bet away 50 hours of our time to a prisoner. As you can see, he lost the bet." Tonpa explained, jerking his thumb in the direction of Leorio. "Hey!" He scowled but left it alone after a moment, probably realizing it was his fault in some way.

"Lulu-san, are you feeling better yet?" Kurapika asked, walking over to me and smiling when I nodded in response. "We only have an hour left so take a minute to rest before you start moving again, okay?" I put my thumbs up and smile meekly, sitting up so that I can at least have a source of balance. "Lulu-chan, are you hungry?" I nod once again, feeling the dizzying feeling I had when I awoke fade a bit.

"Here, I think some soup may help a bit so I heated it up earlier," Kurapika walked to a coffee pot and poured a bit of the soup inside into a bowl, grabbing a spoon for me. He smiled slightly, "sorry there is no stove here so I used the coffee maker to keep it warm." I smiled softly and took the bowl offered to me, "that's fine. Thank you Kura." He chuckled softly and went back over to a pile of books, picking up one from the shorter pile and beginning to read.

I blinked, looking at the bigger pile of books. 'Could he have read all of those?' My attention moves away as I look around the room. My eyes land on a tuff of white hair peeking out a blanket across the room. I frowned, taking a few sips of my soup before setting it down and standing. I overestimated my ability to be able to walk and ended up losing my footing after my first step. "Whoa!" Gon caught me and I blushed lightly, a bit embarrassed he had to do that.

"Careful Lulu-chan, you're still hurt from your fight too." I glance at my shoulder, finally noticing how there was a bandage around my shoulder. "Killua," I mumble and all the noise in the room collapses into a hush.

I don't see Gon's slight smile but I do feel him pat my head. "Killua isn't feeling too great right now." I frown, "is it because of me?" I ask, my voice soft. "Of course not! That kid doesn't deserve sympathy right now!" Leorio exclaimed, red-faced. I frowned, looking at Killua once more. Of course, Leorio was right but that didn't mean I wanted to be cruel to Killua for it.

"I um...I lied to everyone." I stated softly, Leorio and Tonpa gaining surprised looks. "Wh-What? Lulu-chan, you don't have to-." Leorio starts but I clench my fists, "I lied to you all!" I shouted, shaking slightly. "Killua did nothing... I was just angry at him. I'm sorry." I stated softly, glancing at Killua. 'If I were to tell on him now, there's no telling when I'd see my family again. If they were even alive after he was done with him.'

It was silent, I didn't want to risk glancing at Gon. He would probably have a look of anger at me on his face. 'After all, I lied about his best friend to him...well, not really, but he doesn't know that.' I hold back my tears, actually managing to do so this time. "Well, either way, it's time we left." I hear Tonpa suddenly cut in and all our glances move to the timer above the door.


I frown, a bit upset about the interruption but quickly letting it go, "okay." I hear Killua speak from across the room, seeing him stand up and stretch as if nothing just happened. He walks over to me and crouches down. "Get on Lulu," he orders and I climb on his back quietly. I can tell the others don't really know what to think or say, just moving to stand beside us quietly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2018 ⏰

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