Chapter 2

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"She can't," my gaze snaps to the stairs, along with Killua's. Rigel stands there, arms crossed, he had a sword on his back and leather gloves on. I've never seen him so angry, much less seen the sword on his back. His eyes are zoned in on Killua, not glancing at my pale appearance. He already must know that I've been in the snow. "Run! Rigel, you can't!" I try to warn but both males ignore me, Killua sauntering to the bottom of the steps as if he had no worries, despite wanting to slit my throat moments ago.

"Why not?" He continues with a casual tone and Rigel frowns, "because...She isn't capable of doing so." Rigel replies bluntly and Killua glances back at me, "well why not?" Rigel doesn't continue to explain and Killua turns around, just in time to see Rigel coming down on him with the sword. He darts out of the way, surprising me. He was now to the left of Rigel, hands in his pocket.

"That all you got?" He taunts and my brother glares lightly, 'no wonder he was constantly "chopping wood". He's been practicing with that sword!' I come to a conclusion fairly quickly, I do cry a lot but I'm not stupid. Killua's hand changes, making me cringe as he runs towards my brother. Rigel isn't quite that easy though and sidesteps, Killua's hand grazing his face. He moves quickly, swinging around to try and cut through Killua.

Killua ducks and his hand shoots up, no longer in that strange form, striking Rigel's wrist. Rigel drops the sword and it clatters on the wooden floor. "Rigel!" I shout, worried. He jumps back quickly and lands with his head hanging, just evading Killua's sharp nails. It was then that I noticed the tattoos on his arms rising off his skin and circling around him. "What the heck...?" I hear Killua mutter, the same words going through my head.

"Die." Rigel spits, his head snapping up and revealing his eyes seemed a shade darker. He gets up and dashes at Killua, making me wince as Killua punches him in the stomach. Rigel's eyes widen and he flies back, hitting the wall. I gasp, covering my mouth with tears in my eyes. He gets up right after, a bit of blood on his chin.

He smirks and Killua let's out a gasp, causing my head to snap to him. Killua had the tattoos wrapping around his body and constricting him. I gripped the couch, a sudden hope that we'd be okay surging through me.

That hope is diminished the second he dislocated some of his bones, slipping out of the tattoos easily. I wince, not liking the sight and look away. Regretting it instantly when I hear Sirius' soft voice at the top of the stairs.

"Lulu, Wigle...?" He mumbled softly, standing at the top of the staircase. "Sirius!" I shout, moving to get up but Killua beats me to it and has my little brother in a hold in practically seconds. His hand is to Sirius' throat and I stumble, falling to my knees with tears dripping down my face. "Tell him..." I whispered, Rigel's eyes snapping to me.

"Wha-?" I cut him off, raising my voice. "Tell him!" I scream, my voice cracking in the middle. Killua didn't seem gazed but Sirius looked confused and a little scared. "Lulu, who if dis?" He asked softly, shaking a bit. The fear in his eyes made me feel so pitiful at that moment.

"It's her, she's the crystallized girl." Rigel finally spoke and Killua's eyes snapped to me. "Her....?" I bow my head and get in a kneeling position. "I'll go with you, p-please just let him go!" Killua stayed silent for a moment in response to my desperate plea.

He spoke after a few moments, "prove it..." I tense but nod, my body turning to crystal slowly, everything was translucent except my heart. I never quite understood why that happened. Nonetheless, Killua came over, dragging a now crying Sirius and broke a piece of my hair off.

I wince, a tear falling from my eyes and he cuts his own finger, catching the tear that mixes with his blood. After a few seconds, his cut heals, leaving absolutely no trace other than the blood that was lost. "So it does work...." He mumbled.

He let go of my brother and I hugged Sirius, kissing his forehead. "Lulu!" He cried and I rubbed his back, gently cooing to him until I felt a cold grip on my arm and I'm yanked up. "Lulu!" Sirius cried and reached for me as Killua yanked me into his chest and locked me there with his arms.

"G-Go to Rigel...." I begged him and Sirius hesitated before hurrying over to my oldest brother. "Where if Lulu gwoing?" He asked Rigel, looking scared. I felt more tears fall and Killua began to head to the door. "Wait!" Rigel cried, making Killua pause. "Please....take this with you...she can't travel without getting really sick...." The tattoos that were forgotten appear beside us, holding a canister.

"What is it?" Killua asks and my brother bit his lip, "a canister. It's enchanted with snow from this area. Whenever she gets really bad-." His voice cracked and he continued after clearing his throat. "Have her drink or eat some." He requested and Killua took the canister.

"I'll take care of her." Is his only promise before throwing the canister into a cooler. I hadn't noticed it before, he must've brought it thinking the girl- me, was small. He picks up the cooler that was by the window he came in and headed for the door. "Lulu!" I suddenly heard and gasped as my brother ran away from our oldest and towards me. "Sirius," I whisper, dropping when Killua released me. "You cwome bwack wight? Me and Wigle hee four you." He mumbled after being hugged to my chest.

I release a soft sob and nod, "of course I'll come back." I pull back and kiss his forehead. "I love you Sisi." He hiccuped and glanced at Killua, a frown overtaking his features. "Donf hwurt my sissy!" He ordered, huffing before sauntering back to Rigel.

I stifled a teary laugh while Killua chuckled, "I won't kid...." He promised, grabbing my arm and pulling me up. He dragged me out the cottage, my little brother bursting into tears as soon as I was out of sight.

'He must have thought I couldn't hear him....' Killua doesn't express any emotion and as the cold seeps into my feet, I feel more energy coursing through my veins. My steps become a bit more stable and I earn a weird look from Killua.

Tears slip past my eyes and freeze as they fall off. The snow was hitting our faces but not to the point of blinding our sight thankfully, giving me only a blurry view of our cottage before I have to keep moving. We head down the mountain, Killua silent for about twenty minutes before he finally speaks up. "Get on my back," he ordered.

My gaze, which was previously on my feet, snaps to his face. "Wh-What?" He scoffs. "Get on my back, you walk too slow." I narrow my eyes before sighing and moving behind him as he crouched down. I wrap my arms around his neck and he scoops my legs up, standing.

A tiny blush rises to my face, and even though he can't see it, he can probably feel it. I've never been so close to anyone that wasn't family. He begins to jog and I tighten my hold a bit so I don't fall off. I hear him sigh and glance at him. I can't really see his whole face, so I shift my body a bit so I can properly angle myself.

"H-Hey!" He yelps as we fall over and into the snow. I giggle and sit up quickly, he on the other hand... "What was that for?!" I wince and the small smile is wiped off my face, my head hanging sadly. "I-I-." He cut me off, "you what?!" A sob escapes me and I curl up, covering my face with my hands.

A groan of irritation is all I hear, his footsteps silent in the snow. Before I can look up to see where he is, something hits the back of my neck.

And just like that, I'm out.    


Word Count:1410



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