Chapter 8

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When I wake up, I find myself on something warm, and breathing. "Hmm...?" I hum, sitting up a little. "HELP!" Hearing a scream of terror makes me jump, sending whatever I was on, off balance. "Ah!" I squeaked, finding myself suspended in air. Before I can fall, my wrist is grabbed and I'm jerked back up.

"BAKA! You don't just suddenly fall! Are you trying to die?!" I cringe as I'm set on the ground and met with yelling. Killua stood in front of me, his hands on his hips as he scolded me for falling off his back. "I-I'm sor-." He cut me off, making me flinch. "I don't care if you're sorry! What use will you be to me if you're dead?!" I feel my bottom lip trembling and will myself not to cry.

"Killu-." Gon tries to intervene and Killua shakes his head with an angry look, "no Gon. She doesn't seem to get that she's in a life or death place and that if she dies, then there will be problems." Kurapika speaks up, "what kind of problems?" I shake and stand up, taking a step back. "I-I...I ca-." Before I can say another word, the stone beneath me drops open and I let out a shriek, falling inside.

"Lul-!" I continue to scream as I go down a slide. I shut my eyes tightly, shivering as the wind bit at my legs and arms. 'It was really nice of Kurapika to buy me this dress but I wish it had sleeves!' The random thought is cut off when I crash into something soft but sturdy. "Eh?" I finally open my eyes and begin to shake more when I find a person standing in front of me and not just any person- "H-Hisoka?!"

My voice came out as a high-pitched squeak and I have to force myself to get up, in fear of him. "Eh? Lulu-chan?' I pale considerably as he says my name and scramble to get away. "Aw, come on Lulu-chan, we have to work together. You wouldn't want to be rude to someone who helped you, would you?" I'm confused by his statement but stop since I know that he isn't someone to play with when it came to manners.

I shivered, thinking about the man from before that had his arms cut off. "That's better," Hisoka's hand was placed on my shoulder and I internally screamed. "So, Lulu-chan, shall we get a move on? I'd like to get through this tower fairly quickly." I nod and he picks me up, an involuntary squeak escaping me as he placed me on his back. "Fragile things should be treated with care." He chuckled, starting to walk.

I nervously hold onto his shoulders, stiff and very scared. An occasional chuckle is heard from him and he eventually tries to bring up small talk. "So how old are you Lulu-chan?" It takes me a moment to find my voice and respond to the clown-like magician. "Th-Thirt-teen..." I managed in a weak stutter. "Hmm..." That was his only response, I finally decided to look around, finding that Hisoka wasn't going to hurt me, 'for now at least...'

We were surrounded by brick walls, in a hallway that was fairly empty. I found it fairly strange that we hadn't come across any traps. As soon as I had that thought, the floor beneath us opened up. I released a shriek and my arms moved around Hisoka's neck, clinging to him desperately. His legs shot out on either side and caught us on the edge.

I released a sigh of relief before speaking, "o-okay...I-If you se-et me on the other s-side, I-I'll pull you o-over." Hisoka spoke, a smirk heard in his voice, "and how am I supposed to know if you aren't lying and won't leave me here?" I shook my head frantically, "I-I wouldn'-n't do tha-at! Be-Besides... you'd probably find me and kill me." I huffed, softly squeaking and holding onto Hisoka tighter when I felt his legs shift.

I pale as I glance down, catching sight of so many alligators and piranhas that seemed to be fighting each other. "Smart girl," I am suddenly yanked off his back and tossed to the edge of the other side. I land with a soft groan and sit up properly, rubbing my back. "Ouch..." Turning around, I find Hisoka waiting patiently for me to recover.

Big Hearts, Blurry Sights || Killua Zoldyck FanficWhere stories live. Discover now