Chapter 3

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My eyes peel open slowly, a soft groan escaped my lips. "Good, you're finally awake." I immediately sit up, unfamiliar with the voice before the recent events hit me and that unfamiliar voice become familiar. Killua. I look at him and rub my eyes, wincing as I move my neck. He had a blank look on his face, staring at me.

My panic now gone, a frown lines my lips. I look around, finding myself in a cave-like place. It had a few pipes along the walls and there were many other people here. 'Now is my chance!' I open my mouth to shout, scream, anything to get away from Killua so I can return to my family.

A warm hand clamps over my mouth and he leans close to my ear. "Don't be stupid, if they know what you are then we'll only have trouble. Work with me and I'll get you back home to your family." Tears spill past my eyes and wet Killua's hand. A sigh, then I'm turned around and am pressed against his chest.

I miss my brothers already, so I grasp his shirt and cry. "Hurry up and get your tears out. This place isn't meant for cry baby's. All I need you to do is heal me whenever I'm hurt and I'll take you home after this test." He muttered, allowing my tears to soak his shirt. After a moment, I pull away, sniffling softly and nod.

"Wh-Where are w-we...?" I mumbled, getting dizzy already. I really don't feel that great. He sighs and pulls out the cooler, looking a bit surprised before he pulled out a little icy. I tilt my head, "go ahead and eat a bit of that." He hands it to me and I nod, taking the cone and taking a bite out of the ice. A wave of relief washes over me and I sigh softly. I already felt better, taking a few more bites and I couldn't stomach anymore, I handed it back to him.

"Wow, you really do need this stuff..." He mumbled, placing the icy back in the cooler. He turned to me with a serious look, "I need you to stick close to me for the test." He stated and I agreed, not enjoying the feelings of some stares on my back. He sighs in relief, probably thinking it would've been harder to convince me. "Hey there!" A semi-cheery voice greeted, gaining me and Killua's attention.

A chubby guy with brown hair and a big nose, he was pretty hair looking too. Was he one of those gorillas I read about to Sirius once? "My name is Tonpa! I just wanted to give you guys a warm welcome, how about we be friends?" I blink and look to Killua, who gives me a blank look as if to tell me, 'let me handle it'. He looks at Tonpa and smiles, "sure. My friend doesn't speak much." He explained, giving me an excuse not to speak. Tonpa nods and pulls out two cans, "how about a toast. To commemorate our friendship!" Once more, I look to Killua as Tonpa thrust a can into both our hands.

Killua laughs and nods, snatching the can out my hands. "Thanks! I was really thirsty Tonpa-San! My friend doesn't drink anything but water though, so I'll take hers." Tonpa laughs nervously and nods, "of course! Of course! Drink up!" Killua opens the can and I blink as he chugs it, quickly moving to the next one. Tonpa looks shocked as Killua wipes his mouth, "thanks Tonpa-San! It was nice meeting you!" He waves cheerily, grabbing my hand and standing.

"Y-Yeah..." Tonpa mumbles, waving lightly. I wave back and Killua tugs me, pushing me to move faster. Once we were out of Tonpa's sight, Killua groaned and rubbed his forehead, "that guy is so stupid. Thinking he could take advantage of us like that." I blinked, confused at Killua's frustration. He looks at me, as if sensing my confusion. "Oh, right. He spiked the drink. That's why I said stay close. Someone will try to hurt you, if not for your powers, then just for the heck of it." He explained and I paled a little, nodding.

I didn't want to be hurt but at the same time, I wanted to go back home. Was there no one to help us? I move to rub my cheeks and frown when my arm brushes against something on my chest. I look down and see a piece of plastic on my chest, pulling it up a bit to look at it, I frown. The number 100 was written in bold, making me frown. "What's this?" I tug on the object, not able to detach it from my shirt. "Hey! Hey! Don't do that, it'll keep you from being suspicious. It's a tag, proving you're participating in the Hunter exams." I blink at his explanation, "but I'm not." He face-palms and scowls, "for now. You are." He replied bluntly and my lip began to tremble.

Big Hearts, Blurry Sights || Killua Zoldyck FanficWhere stories live. Discover now