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Harry's POV: 

I wake up on the floor of my cupboard and goblin was standing there.

"Mr. Gaunt good to see that you are awake" he says.

"I think you have the wrong person I am Harry Potter" I say.

"All you have been told is a lie these papers will show you the truth" he says handing me some paperwork.

Birth Certificate:

Birth Name: Cyrus Severus Gaunt

Illegal Adopted Name:  Harry James Potter

Birth Mother: Lucius Malfoy-Gaunt

Illegal Adopted Mother: Lily Evans

Birth Fathers: Severus Snape-Gaunt and Thomas Gaunt

Illegal Adopted Father: James Potter

Siblings: Adalrich Gaunt, Draco Gaunt, and Bellissa Gaunt (missing)

Creature Inheritance:

Creature: Dark Imp

Type: Dominant

Mate(s): Unknown

"Now Mr. Gaunt we at Gringotts would like to test if you have any blocks or potions put on you" he says.

"Okay" I say still in shock.

"We have to go to Gringotts to do so is that alright?" he asks gently.  I nod and take hold of his arm.  I feel the pull of apparation and then the spinning stops as we land in an office.  "Alright Mr. Gaunt, now if you please drop three drops of blood into this bowl." he says handing me a dagger  I did as he asked and after the potion turns a purple color he pours it on a piece parchment 


Parseltounge: (80% blocked)

Parselmagic: (100% blocked)

Elemental control: (100% blocked)

and many others blocked

Potions and spells:

Glamours since 3 months old

Oblivates since age 2

Familial bond potions linked to the Potters since 3 months old, Weasleys since age 11, and Dumbledore since age 2

Hate Spell towards Severus Snape-Gaunt, Adalrich Gaunt, Thomas Gaunt, Lucius Malfoy-Gaunt and Draco Gaunt since age 11 

Imperius since age 11

Love spells and potions towards Ginny Weasley since age 12

"Oh my dear boy I also ran a diagnostic due to the condition I found you in and I am sorry" he says.  "I will floo your family" I nod still shell shocked.  The goblin goes to the floo and says "Gaunt Manor"

"Lord Gaunt" the goblin says.

"Griphook what is it? I didn't expect to hear from you tonight." someone says.

"Your son is here" he says.

"We will be there in a minute" he says and the connection is cut.  A minute later my potions proffessor and a tall and slender man with dark hair, red eyes, and pointed ears came through the fire place.  They spot me curled up in a chair.  My potions professor sits down beside me and stretches out his hand towards me but I flinch away from him.

"Don't hurt me" I says.

"I won't sweetheart you are my son I could never." he says obviously confused.  He didn't know he has been for three years.

"Where was he Griphook?" I hear my other father ask the goblin.

"He was formally known as Harry Potter and from the looks of it those muggles Dumbledore put him with abused him. There were all kinds of blocks on him my lord we have removed those but our healers have all gone home for the night so you need to see to all of his injuries." he says. 

"Oh Cyrus" he says. "I'm sorry my son. I didn't know that was you. I wouldn't have been mean if I had known my love come here" he says. I get up and sway as I attempt to walk to him. Before I can fall, he wraps me in his arms and places me in his lap holding me gently to his chest. 

"Sev, take him to St. Mungos. Angel and Zaphrina will be waiting for you. Give them this and I'm gonna go get the rest of our family and we will meet you there." my other father says handing him the mediparchment and giving him a kiss. Dad stands up and heads to the floo cradling me to his chest. We step through the floo at St. Mungos and a healer immediately ushers us back to a room.  He goes to lay me on the bed but I clutch his shirt shaking all over.

"Shh my sweet, it's okay we only want to help you" he says.

"Don't leave Daddy" I murmur.

"I won't baby I promise. How about I sit on the bed and you sit on my lap?" he asks attempting to calm me. I nod and he sits down on the bed and turns me to face the healers, I lean back against his chest. "Here you go Angel it's the mediparchment from Gringotts" he says handing it over.  The other healer starts gathering the things they need while Angel runs another diagnostic. They set to work but they put me to sleep first so it was easier to heal me.


My uncle was running towards me with belt in hand.  Yelling obscentities at me for something I probably didn't do as he beat me.  I start to shake and scream when I hear.

"Cyrus it's okay it was just a dream come back to Daddy baby" Dad murmurs and my eyes shot wide open and look around in fear.  I cling to him for dear life seeing all the people. "Shh sweetie shh" he murmurs as I start crying.   Draco crawls across Dad to sit on Adalrich's lap I hope he doesn't hate me.  I finally calm down. "Cyrus sweetie meet our family. This is your beautiful papa, Lucius Malfoy-Gaunt, your handsome Athair, Tom Gaunt, your older brother Adalrich, and your younger triplet brother Draco." Dad says pointing to each in turn.

"Don't hate me" I say curling into Dad more.  I hear crying and turn to find Papa crying.  "Papa are you ok?" I ask looking at him.

"Oh my sweet boy" he says pulling me into his arms.  "I'm so sorry for everything your father, brothers and I never hated you we love you so much and have missed you more than you can imagine" I start crying holding tightly to my papa.

"Papa is right little brother I'm sorry for how I treated you."  Adalrich says quietly.

"Me too I'm so glad you are home I missed you so much.  I have felt so alone since you and Bellissa were taken from us.  When I felt your pain I was so happy just to know you were alive."  Dray says tears spilling from his eyes.

"Come here little brother" I murmur turning in papa's lap so he could sit with us.  He launches himself at me.  "Shh it's okay you didn't know I love you guys you are my saving grace.  Athair can we go home?" I ask quietly.

"Of course my son" he says chuckling slightly.  "Let's go through the floo" he says reaching for me.  I let him take me from Papa.  "I love you" he whispers.  "Come loves lets go home."

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