New Life

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Tom's POV:

I had already sent Sev and Cyrus to St. Mungos and was going to go home and collect the rest of my family when Griphook stops me.

"Lord Gaunt before you go" he says.  "I want to run an inheritance test on him.  I didn't do it when he was here because I was afraid he had already lost too much blood.  Will you bring him back when he is better so we can do it?  It may help us find your daughter."

"I will it will be a few days though.  I want to get him adjusted at home first"

"Of course my lord.  Bring him back when ready" he says and then I step into the floo and floo back to my office.  When I arrive Luc is sitting in my chair.

"Where did you go?  Where's Severus?" he asks.  I saw tear tracks on his face.

"Oh baby did you think we left you and the boys?" he nods running into my arms.  "Oh my darling Severus and I would never leave you or our hatchlings." I say running my hand through his long blond hair.  "Gringotts flooed they had collected Cyrus from where he was.  He took to Sev immediately so Sev took him to St. Mungos.  I came to collect the three of you and take you to him but first we need to talk okay?"

"Can't we do that after we see him?  I want to hold my boy"  Luc cries out.

"Lucius no we have to talk first."  I say using my commanding tone.  Lucius doesn't say anything else.

"Athiar what's going on?" it was Aladrich.  I look to the door and found our two boys.

"Boys come here" I say.  I sit Lucius down on the couch and the boys sit on either side of him.  "We have found your brother Cyrus." I say.

"Where is he?  Where's dad?" Draco asks.

"I was getting to that my son.  He and your father are at St. Mungos.  When he was taken from us he was given to the Potters so when they were killed he was sent to the woman's muggle relatives and he was abused extensively which is why he and Dad are at St. Mungos.  He was known as Harry Potter"

"Oh my baby" Luc says tears falling down his face.

"I tormented my brother" both the boys say.  I sit in my chair.

"Boys come here" I say and they come and sit on my lap.  "My loves you didn't know it was Cyrus.  Just know that he was kept from our world then he was thrust in and made friends with who he thought would take care of him.  He didn't know any better my loves.  Now do you want to see your brother?"

"Yes please Athiar" Aladrich says Draco stays quiet but nods.

"Alright Dray why don't you go with Papa and I'll take Adalrich." I say and everyone nods.  We stand and apparate to St. Mungos.  Once there we wait for Angel to take us back to see them.  We see him cuddled up on Sev's chest as he sleeps.

"My baby" Luc says rushing to the bedside tears rolling down his face.

"Shh my love he's sleeping and he will be a little jumpy when he wakes up" Sev says. Draco and Adalrich hang by the doorway as I make way to Luc holding him close. There were tears in both boys' eyes. "Come here boys it's okay" Sev says. Dray shakes his head. Adalrich picks him up and carries him over, placing him on the bed before walking around and getting in on the other side. Both boys cuddle up to Sev as Cyrus starts shifting in his sleep and then starts screaming. Sev shakes him gently. "Cyrus it's okay it was just a dream come back to Daddy baby" Sev murmurs and his eyes shot wide open and looks around in fear. He clings to Sev for dear life seeing all the people. "Shh sweetie shh" he murmurs as Cyrus starts crying. Luc looks so heartbroken and I think Draco sensed it cause he crawled across Sev to sit on Adalrich's lap so Luc could sit beside Sev. Sev finally gets him to calm down. "Cyrus sweetie meet our family. This is your beautiful papa, Lucius Malfoy-Gaunt, your handsome Athair, Tom Gaunt, your older brother Adalrich, and your younger triplet brother Draco." he says pointing to each in turn.

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