Trip to Diagon Alley

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Cyrus' POV:

The summer has come and almost gone.  It feels good to be with my real family.  Bell and Dray are never more than a few feet from me more often than cuddled into my sides.  Athair, Dad, and Papa got us all tickets for the World Cup that is going on in Britain.  We were all excited to go.  But first we need to go to Diagon Alley to get our supplies.  So we floo to Diagon Alley with Papa and Dad.  Dad leads us from store to store getting everything on the lists we need when I catch two most delicious scents I have ever smelled and stop.  My mates must be nearby I look in the direction the smell are coming from.  My eyes lock on the redheaded family and the twins who were looking my way.  Our eyes meet and my inner imp starts clawing to the surface wanting to claim my mates.

"Dad" I say not looking away. 

"Yes my son" he says.  The twins make some excuse to their family and start walking over to us.

"I think I found my mates" I say.  The twins are in front of me looking up, since they only came up to my chin, and smiling at me.

"Really wh-, oh Merlin son you have some brave submissives." he says I guess he saw the boys in front of me.  They bare their necks to me in submission wanting me to claim them.

"Not here loves we shall do that in private." I say.

"Yes dominant" they say and I smile pulling them into a hug.

"FRED, GEORGE WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING?" their mother screeches and they cringe as I sneer at the woman.  She marches over with the liars in tow.  I put the twins slightly behind me.  Dad and Aladrich stand on either side of me.  "Answer me you brats" she says now standing in front of me.

"They don't have to answer you if they don't want to" I say sharply.

"I am their mother so yes they do and you should teach your students respect Snape" she says loudly.

"Oh I do Weasley, my son Cyrus knows respect well but at the moment he sees you as a threat to his mates so he won't be polite" Dad drawls.

"MATES? You don't have a son Snape"

"Oh but I do two of them actually Adalrich and Cyrus.  Now if you excuse us we still have shopping to do" Dad says.

"What about my sons?" Arthur says joining our conversation having just joining our group.

"That is up to them but I am assuming they won't leave their dominant" Dad says.

"Dad please don't make us leave him" Fred says looking at his father.  George just whimpers.

"I won't my son you two should be happy if he makes you happy then so be it" Arthur says.


"Molly leave it" he says steering the rest of them away.  I turn and wrap my boys in my arms.

"Have you boys gotten any of your supplies?" Papa asks.  They shake their heads.  "Well we will get you all new things okay?  Why don't you boys, Cyrus, Bellissa and Severus go to the clothing shop and get you all a whole new wardrobe.  Adalrich, Draco, and I will go and get the books and things do you guys have a preference in color?"

"Emerald Papa" I say.

"Teal Papa" Bell says.

"Red sir" Fred says.

"Purple sir" George says quietly.

"No need for the sir we are family call me Luc and Severus here Sev unless at school" Papa says.  My boys smile at Papa before cuddling into me a bit more.

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