World Cup and the Beginning of School

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Cyrus' POV:

After finding out everyone's real names and creatures we went to the parlor room after seeing the goblins out.  Fred, George, and I curl up on the love seat, Draco and Bellissa were lounging on the floor at our feet, Adal and Percy were curled up in a chair, and Bill and Charlie were on the couch.  Our parents had gone to the study to get reacquainted.  Adal was trying to assure Percy of something but I couldn't tell what.

"Go ahead Perc you'll feel better once you do" Adal says.

"Georgie" Percy says standing up.  George looks up at him and I go on the defensive growling lightly.

"Cy let him talk" Adal says I nod slightly.

"I'm so sorry baby brother I never meant to take that from you I tried so hard to fight off that woman's Imperio when I realized what happened I couldn't believe it.  I took your innocence and for that I am so so so very sorry" he says.

"Thank you Percy for apologizing and I know it wasn't your fault" Georgie says standing and hugging his older brother.  I smile as Georgie then settles himself in my lap.  I kiss his cheek.  We talk for awhile before heading to bed because tomorrow we were all going to the World Cup.

*Next Morning*

"Cyrus time to get up my son" Papa says shaking my shoulder.  I shift and get up waking up George and Fred who whine at the loss of contact.  Papa and I chuckle.

"We will be down soon Papa" I say and he nods leaving the room.  "Come on my loves you want to see the Irish win right?" I ask and with that they are up and getting ready.  Soon enough we are heading down for breakfast.  After breakfast we follow Dad to the apparation room and we apparate to the game field.  Once there we make our way to our assigned space and get set up.   After we set up the twins and I walk around looking at all the vendors as I spoil my boys a little buying them and myself things as we go.

"Cy!!!!" I hear Bell yell.  I turn and find her running towards us.  Draco wasn't far behind.

"What's wrong sis?" I ask noticing her shirt is torn and there are tear tracks on her face.  She doesn't answer just buries her face in my shirt and I hold her close.   I look toward Draco and he just shakes his head then I notice tear tracks on his face as well.  "Come here baby brother."  He joins our hug as do the twins.  "No matter what happened it's going to be okay.  But you have to talk to me guys.  Freddie love will you go and see if you can find Adal and meet us back at the tent?"

"Yes Cy" he says and walks away.  I gently pick up Bell as she cries into my shoulder and start leading our group of four back to our tent.  Once back, I sit on the couch with Bell on my lap and Dray and George on either side of me.

"Bell please tell me what happened?" I say quietly as Dad comes sweeping into the room followed by Athair and Papa.

"Princess what's wrong?" Dad asks.

"He's here" Bell chokes out.

"What did he do lovely?" Papa asks.

"He tried to do it again.  Thank Merlin Dray was there to save me." She says.  Athair and I growl as I hear footsteps enter the tent.

"What the hell happened?"  Adal growls.

"I'm gonna kill my ex-best friend" I growl as Papa takes Bell from me and he, George and Percy take her to get cleaned up.  Freddie sits besides me nuzzling into my shoulder trying to calm me down.

"You will do no such thing"  Athair says.  "We are going to ruin them and then see about death"

"But Athair what if it gets worse?"  Adal asks.

"You three are to make sure it doesn't your sister isn't to be out of your sight." Dad says looking at us.

"George and I can help Cy" Fred says.

"You have to be careful though Freddie the guy Bellissa was talking about was Ronald.  He raped my sister.  I don't want to put the two of you in danger since Molly, Ginny and Ronald can't be happy about you two being my mates or finding out about your true selves."  I say pulling him closer.

"I'll help Adal" a new voice says.  I look up to see a handsome young man I recognize from school standing beside my brother.

"Thank you Cedric" Adal says pulling him close.

"Adalrich do you want to introduce us?" Dad asks.

"I was going to wait for Papa to get back with Bell also where are the Black parents?" he asks as Papa and Bell come walking in with his and my submissives in tow.

"Pol, Arthur come here a minute" Athair calls.  A few minutes later they come in with Bill and Charlie trailing behind them.

"Guys this is my other submissive Cedric Diggory, he is a 7th year Hufflepuff.  Cedric this my Athair Tom Gaunt, you know my dad, my Papa Lucius Malfoy, and the triplets Cyrus, Draco, and Bellissa, they are 4th years.  Then there is Percy's family."

"Papa, Dad, brothers this is my other dominant Cedric Diggory.  Cedric this is my Papa Pollux Black II, my Dad Arthur Weasley, my older brothers William and Charlie and my younger brothers Fred and George who are Cyrus' mates." Percy says as he comes to stand in front of the other two.  

"Well welcome to the family" Mr. Black and Athair say.

"Take care of my boy the both of you" Mr.  Weasley says.  "You too Cyrus you take care of my twins"

"Of course sir" Adal, Cedric and I say.  After all that the voices of the announcers say the match is starting in a half hour.  We make our way to the field and get settled into our seats.  We watch as the Irish win but Krum, Bulgaria's seeker, catches the Snitch.  We spend the rest of the night celebrating the win.

*Two weeks later*

We arrive to the station early since Dad had to get to Hogwarts.  Percy was going with him since he was no longer a student and Adal wants him as close to him as possible.  Bell, Fred, George and I were all going to be resorted.  We all say our goodbyes and then board the train make our way to the very back.  We choose the last compartment and ward it so no one is able to get in or see that we are there.  Once that is done we all settle in for the trip ahead.

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