Durmstrang and Beauxbatons

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Cyrus' POV:
We have been at school for about three weeks now. The fourth year Slytherins still walk us triplets around so that the Gryfinndors do not try anything. Of course they have tried but no such luck at breaking the ranks of the Slytherins especially after what happened last week.


The twins and Bell had gone to the library because they needed her help with something for their joke shop, they plan on starting after graduation. Draco and I were doing homework in the common room and I figured it would be fine as long as they stayed together. I was wrong after about 45 minutes I felt like something was wrong because while the library was a ways away from the dungeon it shouldn't take this long for them to get back. At first I kind of shrugged it off figured that it took them awhile to find what they were looking for and they were on their way back now but as another 20 minutes passes, I start searching for Bell through our bond and I can't feel her presence.
"Dray can you feel Bell through our bond?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Let's go find them."  We leave the common room and head towards the library.  When we reached the main floor of the castle, we saw Fred and George unconsciousness on the floor with no sign of Bell anywhere.  I make my way to them and stroke their hair to see if they'll come to but they don't.  "Dray go get Dad and Adal tell them what's happened I'll wait here and keep trying to find Bell through the bond". He rushes off to do as told as I just bring my boys close and search for my sister through the bond we share.  As I wait for Dray to return his friends Blaise and Theo come across me.
"Cyrus what happened here?" Theo asks.
"I don't know I found them like this and we can't find Bellissa she was supposed to be with these two but she's not and Draco can't sense her through the bond and neither can I" I say.
"What can we do?" Blaise asks.
"Gather as many housemates as possible and start searching the castle and grounds for her."
"We will take care of it" they say and walk towards the dungeons to gather the others. I hold my boys closer as Dad, Adal, and Draco come up the stairs.
"Have you sensed her yet?" Dad asks and I just shake my head. He and Adal nod, Draco and Adal leave to go search for her as Dad runs a diagnostic on the twins. "They were hit with a spell to knock them out for hours they should come around soon." He says as all of the Slytherins from year 4 and up go walking passed breaking up into search groups. "Your doing I guess?"
"Blaise and Theo found me and the twins here while I was waiting and I told them what happened and they asked how they could help I told them to gather as many housemates as possible and start searching for her." I say as feel pain that I have only felt once before but it is not as amplified as the last time. "Dad she is going through her inheritance right now." I groan out.
"Alright lets get to the chambers and then I'll go looking as well I want you to bring the rest of the family here." He says and levitates the twins and helps me up. "We will find her my son." I slowly nod my head as we walk to the chambers.  I transform the couch into a king sized bed.  Dad sets the boys down and leaves while I head to the fireplace.
"Gaunt Manor" I say knowing that wherever my fathers are it will light the closest fireplace.  I see no one so I call out to them.  "Athair, Papa can you hear me?"
"Cyrus my son what is it?" Athair says appearing in front of me.
"Bell is missing. She and the twins went to the library and they were gone for too long so Dray and I went looking. We found the twins unconscious but Bell wasn't with them. Dad, Adal, Dray and Slytherins year 4 and up are scouring the castle. Dad asks that you come here. She is going through her inheritance. I'm sorry I know I should've gone with them I shouldn't have let her out my sight Athair I am so sorry." I rush out as tears fall down my face.
"It's ok my son accidents happen I will get Papa and we will be there soon with the twins fathers as well." He says. I nod and he cuts the connection. I go back to my boys and lay down so that I am between them and the door. I stroke their hair gently hoping they wake up. Just as the fireplace flares to life Fred starts to stir.
"Hey Freddie, how you feeling?"
"Like a ton of bricks fell on me. Where am I?"
"My dad's chambers" I say and then he looks around as my fathers and his step through the fireplace.
"She wasn't with you when Dray and I found you do you know who attacked you?" I say as I am checked over by Papa and his is doing the same before focusing on George.
"Ron and others" He shakes slightly so I reach out to him.
"You are safe now my love but the two of you won't be leaving my sight unless it's to go to class with Adal."
"But Cyyyyy" George whines.
"No buts George. George how are you feeling baby?" I ask pulling both of them close.
"Ok I guess." He says.
"I'm so sorry loves I should have been there to protect you."
"Cy, it's ok we are safe now." He says as the door opens.
"Welp we have a neko in the family now." Adal says as Dad carries Bell in handing her to Papa who cuddles her close.
"That's surprising but I know it's in my line so I guess it can happen. Where was she?" Athair says.
"The Prewitt twats had her in the room of requirements. He had raped her multiple times before we found her." Blaise says coming in the room with Theo who immediately makes his way towards Bell.
"The multiple rapes triggered her inheritance and I was able to locate her because she is my mate." Theo says. "Mine was triggered this summer because of the abuse my parents inflicted on me."
"Theo I'm so sorry I didn't know." Dad says
"It's not your fault professor. They and I are quite good at hiding it." He says.

End of Flashback

So we now must welcome two other schools to our campus to share in whatever fun the ministry and headmaster have planned. We are currently in the great hall waiting their entrance. Beautiful young women come in first dancing and doing acrobatics before some strong men appear marching and beating sticks on the ground. The young women sit down with Ravens and the men join our table.

A/N: Sorry it's been so long with out an update life got crazy for awhile with grad school and my first job using my degree. So I greatly apologize for lack of updating and promise to do better

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2021 ⏰

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