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Cyrus' POV:

Draco, Adalrich and I woke up, got dressed, and went down to breakfast with our parents.  After we ate Athair led us to his study where we then flooed to Gringotts.  We are led to a private office by Griphook.

"Ragnok, the Gaunt family is here" Griphook says.

"Ah yes welcome Lord Gaunt, Lord Prince, Lord Malfoy and sons.  Please have a seat" he says.  My family and I bow before taking seats.  Dad, Papa and Draco on a couch that was in the corner of the room while Athair, Adalrich and I took the armchairs in front of the desk.

"May I ask why the Goblin King is involved with this?" Athair asks.

"Because your son, Cyrus, was stolen from you and some of his vaults have discrepencies  that should have never happened." he says.

"Are you saying someone was stealing from my son?" Dad asks.

"Yes Lord Prince and we of the Goblin Nation are very sorry we didn't catch it sooner.  When your son was left with the Potters they gave Albus Dumbledore power of magical guardianship when they died.  So since they died Albus has been taking money from Cyrus' personal vault they left and all of their vaults he was left.  He used said money to pay Vernon and Petunia Dursley, Molly, Ronald and Ginvera Weasley, Order of the Phoenix members, and saving some of himself."  Ragnok says.

"So he has been stealing from my son since he was a year and half old." Athair states furiously.  I couldn't believe it.

"I thought they cared about me.  Why would they do this to me? Daddy why?" I ask tears forming my eyes.  He is in front of me a second later as tears start pouring down my face.

"I don't know my love shh Daddy is here now" he says wrapping me in his arms gently picking me up and sitting my chair with me in his lap.  "Shh my love you are safe. You are cared about.  We love you so much" he murmurs running a hand through my hair.  I slowly calm down and we continue.

"What about Hermione Granger?  Was she paid?" I ask shakily my sadness turning to anger and uncertainty.

"We have no record of her being paid from your accounts." He says looking through the book on his desk.

"She was in here this morning looking worse for wear she wanted to exchange muggle money for wizard money." Griphook says.

"Do you know where she went?" Athair asks taking my hand.  Griphook shakes his head.  "We will find her my sweet as soon as we are done here okay?" I nod at him anger settling in my features.

"I want all the money they took back and with interest once the notices have been sent out I want the Potter Vaults I had been given sealed with only Griphook, you Ragnok, my parents, and myself access until the time an actual blood Potter can be found.  Then all of the things left to me by Lily and James Potter will be given to them.  Is there away to check to see if they blood adopted me?" I say looking directly at the goblins.

"Yes just a simple spell" Ragnok says.

"Do it" Athair says.  The goblin says the spell and blue green smoke appears in front of me.

"You are pretty much clear I have a feeling that was due to your inheritance.  Griphook can you get the potion please?" Ragnok says and Griphook leaves the room.  "Are you sure about the vaults?"  I simply nod my head as Griphook returns.  "Here you go this will get rid of the blood adoption"  I take it from Griphook and take it.

"When you demand that the money be paid back no money should be taken from Arthur, Charlie, Bill, Percy, Fred or George Weasley as I am sure they had nothing to do with the theft."

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