Chapter 5: A New clan appear

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Disclaimer Alert: I do not own any of the following character from Cardfight vanguard. If you have not read the Author note from before, Please go and read it. So sit back relax and enjoy the story.


You start to explain as you fight Suzuka. "Basically, I can hear the voice of the unit and communicate with the clan on Cray and that is how I know your relationship with the Shadow paladin" You said as you guard your sister attack as she pout at you.

Everyone who was there listening to you shoot you a disbelief look expect for Suzuka, Misaki and Kai. "So in another words you have that power?" Kai ask as he look at you with a killing aura which reminded you of Misaki angry look.

You shook your head and said "Nah, I do not have that power. You can say that I am born with it or something. Well not like I know how to explain anyway." You shrug as you call a unit to the rear and attack Suzuka, which she guard as she stick out tongue. You then roll your eye at her.

You then continue to say "If you don't believe, let me show you some evidence then." You look at Aichi and said "You created a Royal paladin deck is because you want to play Vanguard with Kai as he give you that blaster blade when you are around 6-7 right?" Aichi look at you in surprise and ask "How you know?"

You just say this is your ability or something like that and continue to clarify stuff with them. In the end after a 10 minutes of showing off your ability, they decided to belief in you. "So, Kai-kun and this guy have fight before?" Aichi ask as he look at Kai. You look at Kai and said "I am not going to reveal the past as it is rude of me. If you want to know, go ask him yourself, pal."

As you all continue to chat and fight with one another till the evening, you and Suzuka decided to head home with Aichi. Just as you leave the store, you look at Misaki and ask "Misaki, mind giving me your phone number?" Misaki look at you in confuse and said "I don't mind."

You then exchange phone number with her. Afterward, she glare at you and said "Oh [Y/N]! Don't call me or message me unless you have stuff to say. I am busy okay!" You laugh wryly and nodded. "I wonder how she know I will call her." You thought silently as you walk out of the store.

That night after you and Suzuka have finish eating dinner, you decided to go to your room and rest. "Hey Suzuka, I am going to my room and rest first." You said as you walk towards your room. "Okay, Onii-chan." Suzuka said as she wash up the dishes.

As you enter your room, you decided to look through your deck. As you took out your deck, you suddenly feel a sense of power came to you and the next thing you know, you have teleport to the planet cray.

"What the?" You say as you look around. "Why am I on cray suddenly and what on earth is going on?" You said as you look around. "Welcome to cray, my vanguard." You heard a voice and turn around. You then could not believe your eyes. You are actually seeing a bunch of units bowing towards you.

Not recognizing any of them, you wonder who are they and said "First off, why don't you all drop the formality with me." You watch them as they look at each other and rise as they face you.

"Okay next, mind explaining what is going on? I don't remember seeing any of you guys before and if I not wrong, I was in my room a second ago looking at my shadow paladin deck and then I suddenly been teleported here." You look at them as you await for them to speak.

You watch one of the unit, which look like a female teenager walk towards you and speak "My vanguard, we are the <<Nemesis>> Clan known as one of the clan that have been struggling to live on planet Cray. We are currently facing a crisis of not having anyone to lead us and is valuable to other clan attack." You watch as she speak.

"So you all decided to choose me as your Vanguard in summary right? But why me? There are others out there to choose from." You ask in suspicion as you look at her.

"We know that you are currently using the <<Shadow paladin>> Clan and their power. On top of that we know that you wish to use a clan that is strong and suitable for yourself. We, the <<Nemesis>> known as the strongest clan can give you the power that you seek and in return we hope that you can lead us and let us live in Cray without fear." She said as you look at all of them.

Seeing that they do not have any ill-intention, you sigh and ask "Then tell me this, if you guys are so strong, why you guys need someone to be your vanguard?" She look at you and smile sadly.

"We are been fear due to our dark power." She said. "Dark power?" You ask. She then start to explain their power and strength and why other clan fear of them and the reason behind why they could not find a suitable leader for themselves which resulting them to become what they are in these day. After listening to their explanation, you hesitate for a while and said " seem like you all are telling the truth.... Very well. I shall become your Vanguard and led you all and in return I want you all to promise me one thing."

They all look at you in curious. You then said "If I ever use your power too much and I lose control of it, I want you all to avoid hurting all my friends and family. Is it a deal?" They nodded in agreement.

You then was teleported back and found yourself in your room. You then look at your hand and realize that your deck is no longer <<Shadow paladin>> and have become <<Nemesis>> Clan.

"Hahaha, I wonder what will happen in the future?" You thought to yourself as you glance at the new cards in your hand and lay back at your chair as you close your eye. "Anyway...I wonder if something is going to happen soon. It been so long since I have visited Cray. I guess for now I will keep it a secret from the rest and watch from the sideline then." With that you put the card back into the case as you decided to head of to sleep.


Okay, people. I know this chapter sound a bit confusing but worry not. Here is the summary in case you all have no idea what is going on: You have acquire a new clan that no one ever have. I promise that I will make the next chapter focusing more on Reader x Misaki. Peace Out!J


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