Chapter 6: A develop feeling

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Disclaimer Alert: I do not own any of the following character from Cardfight Vanguard. If you have not read the update note from before, Please read it. So sit back relax and enjoy the story.


"Yawn...Hmm?" You yawn as you wake up from your bed. Noticing that your new deck was lying on the table, you decided to go ahead and sort them out. "...Why do I have the feeling that the number of cards have suddenly increase?" You thought to yourself silently as you notice that there is more card on the table then the previous night.

Not wanting to complain much, you went ahead and sit on your chair and start to sort them out. After a 15-20 minutes of sorting the deck, you finally have been able to make a decent deck with it. "Whew that is tough..." You thought in silence. You then put the remaining card into the drawer while you put the deck into your deck holder.

"Now that this is bee complete,is time that I better go and wash myself up before Suzuka come and nag at me from overslept or something." You mumble softly. After washing yourself up and changing into your uniform, you wear your deck holder over your waist and head down for breakfast.

"Oh, you are up already? That is rare...I was about to wake you." Suzuka turn and face you as she put your breakfast on the table. You just smile wryly and thought in silence "I cannot tell her about what happen yesterday and the reason that I woke up early today."

After the both of you eaten your breakfast, you two head out of your house and walk to school with Aichi and Emi. "Hey Suzuka, are you heading over later?" You ask before entering your school. "Yup, after all I want to talk to Misaki-nee" Suzuka smile at you. You nodded and the both of you enter your school.

As the lesson go on throughout the day, the last lesson have ended without you dying. "Arrg, I thought I would die at the hand of something call bored..." You said as you put your head on the table. "Is it so hard to understand the lesson?" You glance up as Aichi ask you.

"It not difficult to understand, it just boring I guess." You say as you pack up your stuff. "Yo Aichi and [Y/N], are you heading to the shop today?" You and Aichi turn to your right and saw Morikawa standing there asking the both of you. "Now here come the monkey." You mumble softly as you glance out to the window.

Aichi just smile wryly at your comment and said "Yeah I am going to the shop. How about you, [Y/N]?" You thought for a while. "Hmm...Maybe I should go and see Misaki? Wait...since when am I looking forward to see her... Weird." You shook your head as you thought about it.

"Err [Y/N]?" You look up and saw a worried Aichi looking at you. You sigh and said "Yeah I am going." You all then stood up and proceed to the store. As you walk towards the school gate, you saw Suzuka was standing there waiting for you. You then call out and ask "Suzuka? Why are you doing here?" Suzuka saw you and the rest and said "I thought we go to Misaki-nee that side together." You seem surprise by it.

"How do you know we are going?" You ask curiously. Suzuka grin at you and said "Well, I don't know if Aichi-ni and the rest is going by I know you will definitely will go when come to Misaki-nee." You shot her a curious expression and ask what she means. She sigh and whisper into your ear "You like Misaki-nee right? I saw you blushing yesterday when she smile at you."

"WHAT?" You said in a loud voice which cause Aichi and the rest to look at you in a curious expression. You then said in a fluster manner "I do not know what you mean!" Suzuka smirk and say "Really~? Well, we will see if I am right, Onii-chan." With that you all head to the store.

When you all enter the store, you guys saw Misaki on the counter greeting you all "Welcome." You then saw Morikawa dragging Aichi to an empty table and start to fight. You sweatdrop at the speed of how thing has progress as you lazy around the counter area.

"You not going to join them?" Misaki ask you as she raise her eyebrow. You grin in a mischievous level and said "Oh...Are you perhaps worried about me?" Misaki look at you with an annoy look as she turn away and said "Well, I normally see you fighting people non-stop and today you seem to slack here. So I just find it curious."

"And...I want to help you in any way I can since you help me out a lot of time before when I am down." Misaki then look up and smile sweetly at you. You then suddenly feel your face turn red and your heart beating fast. "Are you okay [Y/N]?" You herd Misaki ask as you saw her putting her hand on your forehead.

You then back off and said in fluster "Y-Yeah... I am fine." Misaki then smile at you again and said "Well I thought you might have a fever for a second." You then watch her went back to read her book as you wonder in silence.

"For an instance my heart is beating fast...I wonder what Suzuka said is true about me falling for Misaki." You thought to yourself as you watch her in silence .

"Yo. We are here!" You glance at the door and saw Kai and Miwa walking in as they look at you. "What are you doing standing here?" Miwa ask as he look at you. "Slacking." You said as you saw Suzuka went to ask a match from Kai.

You then watch Suzuka fight with Kai and stood at the side. You saw Miwa went to talk with Aichi and the rest. "Haiz." You sigh as you lay back on the wall. "What wrong?" You heard Misaki ask. "Nah I am just bored...Hmm?" You said as you notice something.

"What is it?" Misaki ask as she look at you. You then walk over to Aichi and ask "Pal, I just realise something. Thou Blaster blade is a good card, why are you not ridding a Grade 3 card?" Aichi look at you and ask "Is it so important to ride a grade 3 card?" You saw Morikawa was about to rant stuff about grade 3 so you just said "Morikawa, shut up."

Morikawa look at you blankly why saying things like how you know what he is going to say and stuff. Just as you about to say something, you heard Shin voice from behind.

"Hmm...Aichi-kun, why don't you fight with Misaki to understand your deck weakness?" Shin said as he went to put a deck in front of Misaki. "Eh? Misaki is going to play vanguard? Well that is something new." You said as you look at her with a surprise look.

Misaki look at shin and was reluctant to play. However, you and Suzuka, who she actually lose to Kai and heard the conversation, come and insisted her to play. "Since you two is saying so much, I don't see what the harm to play." Misaki said as she went to the table and sit down as she and Aichi start the match. "Well, look like this is going to be interesting..." You thought to yourself as you watch them fight with one another.


Okay guys, I am going to stop here for now. Until then, I will see you all the next time. Peace Out!

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