Chapter 6

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(Hezekiah In Media) 

Adrians POV

Within a matter of weeks everything was going good, I was looking at more cash flow, and getting the respect I needed, Lucky seen a mil and I seen a quarter of what he saw, Amiya was doing well in school, and so was Hezekiah. I had been in the loft exercising looking outside at the view listening to No lie- Drake I had planned a nightly get together with me and Shanice at her restaurant, I had local musicians and poets come out to perform on the roof. This was an event for the grown and sexy, I sat on the chair and picked up a 50 pound dumbell and go to work. 

"Your mother aint shit won't be shit...she's a damn junkie, left your ass when you was only 8 chose crack over you." My father yelled, I was crying because I missed my mother and I wanted to go home. "SHE WAS THERE!" I yelled out, tears were running down my face, my father picked me up and shook me "You don't cry around me, you're a man, I'm here now, so shut that shit up." he then put me down he placed the cold piece of steel in my hand, and showed me how to grip it, "You will aim, and you will shoot...... you hear?" he commanded me, I looked at this white italian man he was tied up, he was beaten so badly blood was coming from his nose, my father beat him badly with a bat for not paying his dues, I closed my eyes cocked the gun back and "BANG!" I heard the noise, and my father, my father friends they laughed and applauded, my father took the gun "Open your eyes son, you done shot your first man." he rubbed my head and inside I felt empty, in this meantime this was my life.  

"Adrian." Trish had just knocked me out of my memory, I took the headphones out to hear her more clearly, she stood in front of me looking puzzled. "wasup?" "Hezekiah he won't talk to me only you." I got up and walked to his room, he slammed his book bag on the bed and crossed his arms. "whats wrong lil dude?" Trish was right behind me standing near the door way, "This ugly boy at my school Daevyon he pushed me and I hit my head on the slide, people was laughing at me." "Did you fuck his ass up?" "No, my teacher said dont hit nobody, so I didn't" he shrugged his shoulders, I then slapped him upside the head and he started crying "BOY! you better not be no pussy, Monday I want you to fuck his ass up, forget what the teacher says, when someone hit you, you hit them back, except if it's a female but I'll teach you how you handle them when you a little older." he then hit me back, and kept hitting me I picked him up and pushed him up against the wall "BOY, if you can't hit someone outside, you wont hit nobody in this house you got that?" he then started crying more and was heaving "I HATE YOU, YOURE NOT MY DAD." he yelled I put him down and looked at him, I shook my head and walked out, he then slammed his door. "HEZEKIAH!" trish yelled trying to open his door, but he locked it. "He don't mean it." Trish explained running up behind me she then grabbed my arm I turned around and looked at her "I can't talk to him right now, I understand how he feels, it's cool." "if it matters I think your'e a great father." I chuckled, Then Shanice came through the front door "Hey I'm....what is this?" she asked while putting her purse on the night stand. "Nothing." I snatched away from Trish and left out. 

Shanice POV 

I had just come back from talking with Twista about allowing him to do business with others in my restaurant when it came to extortion, just making sure that everytime he came in, he came in with a grand, I needed to make sure my restaurant was taken care of before I left. I fired a new chef for a famous chef in Baltimore, and hired all new staff, except for my host Brianna she knew everything that was going on, and I made sure she was taken care of. But now I was staring this bitch Trish in her face, Adrian walked right pass me smelling good. "what happen?" he then slammed the door, and I jumped a bit "Nothing Shanice, Hezekiah just mad at him, and he said something that hurt me, I don't want Adrian." she said while laughing, I walked up to her and crossed my arms "Bitch if I find out, you touch my man again I'm gonna put your ass out, and you can take all your shit and mosey  on up outta here." she then looked at me "You know what, you don't fuckin pay me enough to stay here any way I'll just go...besides he don't make enough to take care of my college tuition." I shrugged my shoulders "it don't mean shit to me, damn if you stay damn if you don't." she then walked away rolling her eyes. I walked to the kitchen pouring me a glass of brandy, I looked at my phone just to see a text message from Tonya, a friend of mine a wife of Twista. 

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