Chapter 16

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Adrians POV

I woke up quietly not wanting to wake up Shanice, I did my daily cleaning and threw a white short on and jeans, I sat gently on the bed putting my socks on, I then felt Shanice rub my back. "good morning." she greeted, I turned around and gently kissed her lips, "lemme finish what I was saying yesterday." "No-" " No please I have to get this off my chest..... I aint really the type to express myself that much, but I love you and I aint felt this way in a long time, I see myself spending the rest of my life with you...taking care of you building a family, I assure you in the next 2 weeks you wont be working for long." her eyes watered up and she leaned up to kiss me "I've been waiting to hear you say that for a while, because theres nothing I'd rather do than to wash your dirty ass drawls because I love you Adrian with all my heart." I then got up "Aight then, well you get your pass port ready because looking at how things going we may have to leave the country." "Why you say that?" "Well." I pulled my gun out the dresser and loaded it "I got some business to attend to, I remember a while back asking you to kill Lucky, but I know yall still got some unfinished business, well I can't wait for that." "....I gotta tell you something." "Wasup?" my phone then start ringing, before Shanice could speak I walked out and answered it "Waddup this A." "Yo meet me at Shanices spot." "aight I'm on my way.... Aye baby I'll be back"

I hopped in the car and pulled off, I had so much shit on my mind,

"Support the College Negro funds...because a mind is a terrible thing to waste." "Adrian turn the fuckin TV off now.....I can't find my shit" my mother yelled, she was around the house rampaging it, trying to find her drugs she begin scratching, she had just came from an interview after my father died she spiraled out of control. "Theres theres not to many mothers who who do this....who abandon her kids...not too many." "What'd you mean mommy?" My mother got on her knees rubbing my arms, looking into my eyes, I was 10 at the time and my clothes were too big to fit. "I got too go sweetie, but I'll be back baby mommy always come back." she then kissed me all over my face. My mother left that night and I sat in the dark, the lights had been cut off and I was scared, I begin to cry it had to be 9pm, I walked out of the house and followed in the direction my mother mightve been, I got to the corner store and asked a man who was speaking to a woman if he knew my mother "Oh he so cute." the woman smiled "Your mother? mmmmm that name sounds familiar." he grabbed my hand and we walked to an abandon building, there were junkies leaning on the wall looking at me, prostitutes were right outside, the man dapped up one of his companions, we walked upstairs and I seen this strong built light skin man, who was smoking and grabbing the back of my mother hair pumping himself in her, her eyes were closed and he turned around looking at the man who brought me "What the fuck you doing bringing a lil ass kid in here?" My mother opened her eyes and gasp, she tried to break away but the man banged her head on the counter "Bitch I aint done!" I froze, "THATS MY SON LET ME TALK TO MY SON." she cried out, he didn't budge not one time "You see lil boy your moms a hoe for crack, Get that lil nigga outta here." he slid out of my mother spit on his dick and slid it in her ass. She screamed aloud "Shutup bitch....this pay back for not paying me what the fuck you owe....I don't give a fuck about your son." the man who brought me shook his head and walked me out.

My mother never did come back, I shook my head and pulled up to the restaurant, Reggie was sitting at the table with a beer I sat down and looked at him. He then threw 3 pictures on the table, it was a group of italian men heads hanging from a meat factory hooks, one of the men was Thomas "So he killing connects now, that shit crazy." "Man Adrian, this nigga is ruthless, if he got them we got to-" Reggie was cut off by shots raining into the building, people was screaming and ducking. I pulled my gun out while under the table a screech of tires hit the road and someone threw a head through the window, it was Twistas, after I knew the coast was clear I grabbed the note, the restaurant staff was frantic already calling the police "FUCK IS THAT A HUMAN HEAD?" "yes old friend of mine." 

Leave town, or your entire family will be mines. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT BITCH- L

They beat Twista up something bad because his eyes were swole, the head smell of old flesh, something had to give I knew Shanice was gonna be pissed so I called her.

Shanice POV

"So his name is Paul that name sounds old but you love he married?" "I dont know but I know he barely comes over at night, and there's times he just don't come over." Patrice inhaled and exhaled my phone begin to ring on another line, "Girl let me call you back, Adrian blowing up my phone." I hung up and answered the phone and Adrian sound panicky  "Hey baby....what's wrong" "You gonna be mad at me, but turn on the news." I turned on the news just to see my got damn restaurant in shambles "OHHHHHH MY GOD!" "baby don't worry about it imma fix it....who ever did this killed twista." shrills ran down my spine, "I'll be there thank you baby."

I rushed to my restaurant, the cops were outside and one of my staff members were giving them information. I got out and ran up to the cops "Hey Serena. hey Officer." "Are you Sharice?" "Yes." "We're sorry about what happened to your restaurant but we gonna need to ask you a few question." "OK go ahead ask away." "Do you know who might've done this?" "No...not that I know of." "do you know anybody who may be out to get someone you know?" "No and why should that even be asked, just find the person who have done this." I then walked into the restaurant, there was shattered glass on the ground,and some of my walls had bullets in them. I walked in the back where Adrian was and he was panting, Reggie was pouring glasses of wine drinking it like it was juice. Adrian handed me a note

Leave town, or your entire family will be mines. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT BITCH- L

I gasped it wasn't a secret anymore we knew who was behind this.... Lucky, I shook my head "Thats why I told you to put his ass out when you had the fuckin chance." he yelled "NO YOU CAN'T JUST GO KILLING PEOPLE...ALL THIS BLOOD SHED IT'S GONNA GET HOT." I then slapped him upside the head "QUIT FUCKIN YELLING."  I yelled "Someone is ratting me out." "You just paranoid." "Nah foreal someone ratting this nigga out or following him Lucky got wayyy too much information. "You better check your clique." I shook my head "Maybe it's you." he looked at me and balled his fist up "Adrian think about this, we haven't talked and besides just yesterday I beat Twistas ass for kidnapping my mother.....and why would I put Hezekiah through something like this?" Adrian than shook his head "You right.....we gotta get out of Baltimore."

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