Chapter 12

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Adrians POV 

I was at one of Twistas car spots getting my car wash, I had just brought a new grey BMW, with tinted windows, HED lights, and a bumper in my car to blast my music, shit was going to plan. I then got a call from Lucky "Yo." I said while answering my phone, I walked outside to hear him better. "Adrian, I got a proposition for you." "what is it?" "There's this nigga that I need flagged....he's costing me money...I can't take a loss of me at the pier." "Aight.....I'll be there." 

My car was cleaned and it was 75 degrees outside with good winds, I pulled up to pier, a spot in Baltimore near the Atlantic ocean, there were yachts and big ass boats that sat out, Lucky was dressed in white aloha shirt button down, with white slacks, and a white fedora. "ADRIAN.. MY MAN..BRING IT IN." he greeted while hugging me, we then started walking the waterfront "Now I trust've made me a lot of're almost like a son to me." he chuckled while lighting his cigar "Mhmm...I know, where you getting at?" "I just wanna say thankyou, I know it's hard you recently getting out of prison, but it's only a select few that can make it as big as I am about to make you." "What you mean?" "I want you to control all of Maryland take over my empire pass it down to your children and your childrens...children." he then stopped and looked at the ocean view "Where you getting at Lucky?" he shook his head and chuckled "let me tell you why we are here." "I had an old friend, we'll call him Mr. C... I knew his wife...he had one son.. just one..that man was a rolling stone I tell you, but we ran the business together under the Nicato Italian family, and I mean we were getting millions, but for some odd reason....he started using what we were selling, now if you know anything about business you'll know it's Supply and Demand, just like you I was up under regain control, my lair, my property my square I had to smoke that nigga. I didn't mind, I wanted his wife anyway, but she was a junkie too...I had to do the most dreadful his lowest...I found him in an alley getting drunk, he was on the ground he was in his suit getting high, we had a conversation and he begged for his life, now any grown man who begs for a life that isn't rightfully his is a bitch, I decided to put power in my hand in that day and I felt like a man....but every dear trusting relationship ends, I shot that man 5 times and the cops didn't find his body until 6 days later." "You tell me this for what?" "Everything, Everybody, has an end, sometimes that end is not what we project it to be....a human life does not matter to me when it comes to me and mind....if I find you unfit or untrustworthy I will evaporate you where you stand." the ashes from the cigar fell and he swung it into the water he then placed both his hands on my shoulders. "Adrian...don't you ever try to mislead me, lie to me, or take advantage of me....anything you do or think you doing under my nose I will find out." "What the fuck you talking about man?" "Nothing...but I need you to kill this nigga who's costing me a fortune." He then whispered in my ear "Reece." My gut dropped I now knew it was someone in my circle who was conceiving behind my back, I guess the discretion was gone I was found out, people were plotting, my trust of my own friends vanished. I looked at Lucky and nodded my head. 

Shanice POV 

As a restaurant owner I was making big moves, I was signing a contract to allow singers to perform at my restaurant allowing them to have 25 percent of the proceeds. "Well Mr. Yemin I would love Ms. India Arie to perform at my restaurant...this weekend..sure." I wrote down the information on a notepad, Lucky then burst into my office. "We need to talk." He said sternly, I rolled my eyes and continued my conversation, he grabbed my phone and threw it at the phone. "BITCH...WHEN I SAY WE NEED TO TALK WE NEED TO FUCKIN TALK." he demanded "OH MY FUCKIN GOD, IF YOU BROKE MY IPHONE YOUR GOING TO REPLACE IT." I yelled while standing up, I crossed my arms and he pouted at me "Why are you here? we have no ties, I did what you wanted me to do, that was to give you Adrian....he's doing a good job right? making you money." he nodded "Ya, ya, ya, but he's working with one of my enemies." his words became hallow, when it came to Lucky and his money he was never a impartial person, it was money over everything, I took a deep breath and sat down. "So what do you want me to do?" "I want you to talk some sense into that boy." "why don't you pay him more?" He stopped and looked at me "Maybe if I take my proceeds from you and give it to Adrian that'll work...lets see how fuckin GRACIOUS you are then...talking about some damn, why don't you pay them much you pay your workers?" "$45,000 salary full time for the chefs, $12 an hour for ass." "Never bite the hand that feeds you bitch, I'm like the government that's why i'm never in debt, I let the little niggas get a taste of money, but I take that shit when it comes to getting my share, and don't ever let a nigga cross me, I've been doing this business wayyy to long to be fucked in the ass....I don't give a damn what you have to do, make sure he stop fuckin with reece." "I won't be a bunch of want me to do YOU a favor but look at the way you talk to me, besides who told you he was talking to Reece?" he then walked up to me and looked at me with lust, I had recently got my hair blown out so it was in a bun, I wore a cream colored blouse with a black pencil skirt and cream colored stiletto pumps, I looked at him with disgust. he leaned over and rubbed my thighs sliding his hands up my skirt rubbing his finger against my panty liner, I pushed his hands "You know who told me his so called brother Twista.....but if you wanna avoid me." He said while kissing my lips "Do whatever it takes to put Adrian line." 

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