Chapter 17

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Shanice POV

Damn, it was a snitch on the loose, it wasn't anyone that I could trust anymore that was in my circle, the cops had us in the interrogation room, as if we shot up the restaurant ourselves. There was one detective in particular who was busting my imaginary balls every chance he got, he knew I was in love with Adrian, and he figured he play us amongst each other, he would come by the house knowing Adrian wasn't around to try and talk to get something out of me, but I was budging, the last thing I wanted was for Adrian to be pent up again.

"Tell us Shanice, what you know about Lucky, and his interesting individuals." Rowan asked while fumbling with the cigarette box, we sat in a litup room with a table between us, and the 1000 yard stare.

"I don't know anything about Lucky, the only thing I know is he comes to my restaurant on the regular basis with his guy friends, and maybe a few females to eat and have a good time."

"So, you have no clue what Lucky does?"


"Well lets just say....he isn't a good guy, he runs a drug business, and a few other things, but that's not our priority....but lets say, we had an informant amongst Lucky, and we know that you as well as Adrian have a tight knit bond with Lucky, all the way to when you used to lick his nut sacks."

My heart was racing, and I tried to remain calm, someone was really snitching and we eating with the same niggas who talking to the cops, I nodded and kissed my teeth. I then chuckled, and he glared at me.

"Why is it, as a black woman I'm talked to as if aint nobody in America sucked a dick before? You talk to me with these subliminal messages, if you got something you got something, If you don't you don't but I aint no regular ass bitch, I'm a lady believe it or not, but I aint finna sit up here and justify my actions for when I did have the nigga dick in my mouth."

He then got up and ran next to me slamming his hand on the desk

"Don't play stupid with me Shanice, you and your boyfriend will go behind bars for 35 years to life, with the shit I got on yall! Either you speak now, or I'll have both yall asses pinned up behind bars!"

I then chuckled, and got up

"Are we done, I mean really....someone shot up my restaurant and you in here questioning me like I'm the one who shot it up."

He then sat down, and threw pictures on the table scattered with a bunch of dead young black bodies, some mutilated, some hanging and castrated, as well as shot in the head execution style, I swallowed the throw up that wanted to come up, I was used to death, but this was much more than horrific.

"This happened before the shooting at your restaurant, an it was Luckys doing, however you mean to tell me it wasn't out of retaliation?"

"Ok muthafucka if you know who was doing it, why you on my case? Why you not arresting Luckys ass?"

"It could be a copy cat...but we don't have enough evidence to arrest anybody yet."

"Can I go?"

"Ya go ahead." I then got up, and he blocked my way through the door, "I'll be watching you."

I pushed pass him, and left the building, I hated the police station with a passion, filled with good cops, bad cops, hoe ass niggas and bitches who snitched, or thought about snitching. I called Adrian, and his phone went straight to voicemail so I texted him.

Me: Hey babe :]

Husband :*: Hey, I'm a lil busy sorry I aint answer wasup?

Me: We need to talk

Husband: aight

Adrian POV

Me, Paul, and Reggie was outside of my Uncles housing, smoking weed and drinking beer while playing cards. I had a cigarette in my mouth, I looked at my phone knowing Shanice was on some bullshit talking bout we need to talk, in my mind "What the fuck we need to talk about".

"Yo you good?" Reggie asked while handing the cards out

"I'm cool, just thinking about Shanice and Hezekiah, lot going on bruh, after the death of my daughter, shit Ion know dawg, kinda just wanna get the fuck outta Baltimore you feel me? Too much shit going on."

"I feel you bruh, aye man where would you go?" Paul asked while looking at me

"I don't know man, shit probably Cayman Islands, marry Shanice, take Hezekiah, start fresh there, I mean I'm set already bruh, after doing this deal in 3 weeks, I'm so set bruh."

Reggie glanced at me, we talked about it in secret, but I trusted Paul.

"What deal?"

"Nothing much, just some shit I'm gonna do." I chuckled, then Paul glared at me

"Fuck the secrecy for bruh? You can tell me anything."

"Nigga I wearing something?"

"Nah bruh, I'm just acting all paranoid and shit, fuck wrong wit you?"

"Nothing, like I said it's a lot." An I left it at that, I couldn't trust anyone now, I'm the kind of guy, who bust first an ask questions later, but I had to be smart, I couldn't start banging off, the cops was on our ass, like shit stains in drawls. About 4 hours passed, I dapped everyone up and left home, Shanice was in the house packing boxes up, she was dressed in a cropped sweat shirt, and sweats, her hair was wrapped up in a scarf, and I could see she had been crying.

"Hey baby, wasup." I approached her, and she sat at the island with a glass of red wine, "Were so fucked babe." She said, and I glared at her, "Have some sort of faith in me, we gonna be good, I ain't do all this to get us fucked, I got a couple grand in the stash, an I made a few calls to my niggas In Haiti, we gone be good." "Hati?? The fuckin slums? ADRIAN, WE HAVE A CHILD! We can't just up and leave it isn't you and me anymore." I could understand her anger, I then grabbed her hands. "fuck is you doing?" "bruh, I'm tryna be sentimental wit ya ass." She then chuckled, "I got us, I got my family on my back, I just need you to be my back bone, we can't both lose our shit, you got to be the eye in my hurricane, we gone be good, we not going back to the slums, it's a nice little place that's being built right across from the coast, all you gotta do is get the paper work together, I got us." I then kissed her lips passionately, and she wrapped her arms around me, I grabbed her ass for her to know it's real. "Adrian, I spoke with a detective today, and it's somebody in your clic, has to be, nobody I fuck with know what we do, except a select few." I sat next to her lighting a cigarette "I can't go back to jail." I said, stressed, I could feel the fear now, prison was like a mental cage, blocked by physical walls, and I had to suppress my emotions, I rather be killed then to be told what the do. "I'm a man, I can't go back to jail, me and Reggie gone do this one last drop, by the end of next week we good we'll be out, I got some plane tickets, for you and Hezekiah-" "ME AND HEZEKIAH?? WHERE DOES THAT LEAVE YOU?" "Aye look, quit getting fuckin mushy, I need to re-up, so we know we good, it's some shit that needs to be done, so we be comfortable in Hati." She then cried some more "Just come with us, I got money." "SUCK THAT CRYING SHIT UP SHANICE, DAMN! You just take care of Hezekiah, whatever happens get you and lil man outta America!" she then sniffled and hugged me. "I love you A." "I love you too Shanice.

RedemptionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon