Chapter 14

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Shanice POV

I stepped up to Twistas house and took my shades off, 2 months had passed since the passing of my daughter. He called me up wanting to talk about the situation, I allowed the heat to die down. Twista opened the door and was dressed in a robe with a glass of brown liquor in his hand, "you play chess?" he asked while inviting me into his house, he lived in a nice house, it had about 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, the decorum was exquisite, cream colored walls, and collections of sports around, he had a a big picture of him and his wife on the living room wall that you couldn't miss sitting over the fireplace, we walked into a sun room where he had 2 chairs and a chess table, I sat down and so did he. He moved his pawn up and glared at me "So you play chess?" I looked at my side and moved a pawn up also, to give open space for my other chess pieces "Yes I do I play often." He nodded and continued to move his piece, "Lets say I had a few pawns moving in on your kingdom, as we speak." "What'd you mean by that?" he grabbed a remote and cut the tv on, there was a live camera on in a dark room, my mother and trish was tied up with gags in their mouths, I then jumped up I gasped and looked at Twista "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS ABOUT?" he grabbed the gun off his clip and pointed it at me "Bitch if you don't sit down, I will order my killers to blow their fuckin head off, I hate when people dont play the rest of the game." I sat down, at this point I was shaking my nerves were bad, I didn't give two shits if he blew Trish head off but my mother was in there. I moved my piece and he chuckled "Now that was a horrible move, because if I decided to rampage all through out your kingdom I could.....instead I left Hezekiah alone, for the simple fact I don't want Adrian getting involved, but since he don't give a rats ass about you I figured i'll cut you where it hurts." I took a deep breath and exhaled assuring myself this moment would be over, and as we speak I would blow his head off. "If this is the game you wanna play ok Twista ok." "What game? I have the power to evaporate your mother and cousin off the face of the earth..if that don't show you I mean business then I dont know what will." "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?" "I want what you wife my queen is leaving because you told her I was cheating....I married her because she was I don't have no woman but these chicken heads and I can't have that." "Then go get her back -" "NO! STOP FUCKIN PLAYING WITH ME." he got up and grabbed me by my hair clenching his teeth, "YOU KNOW WHAT THE FUCK I WANT! THAT IS ADRIANS HEAD ON A PLATTER." He then pushed me away, I straighten myself up and wiped away the tears now was not the time to cry, I had to get serious, "Ok....and in return I want my family back." "Why shouldn't I have your people killed in action?" "Because you won't get Adrian." "Look bitch, if you think I'm a game, watch your ass get played don't fuck with wrong move and it's over."

I sat in the car with my head on the steering wheel, although I couldn't stomach the thought of calling Adrian, I knew I had to. I called his phone 5 times, and they all went to voicemail, I rubbed my hair and rested my head up against the car chair.

The cops pulled up behind us, it was a later night probably 2 am, me and Twista just got back from dropping off 6 kilos of cocaine and 8 pounds of weed, we had a suitcase full of money in the backseat, and a bottle of xanax and strips of acid that I wasn't fuckin with. The cop a white cop with a hearty voice shined his bright light at us, "You know what time it is boy?" "2am officer, did I do anything wrong?" "You were going 20 miles above the speed limit...which is somewhere important to be?" he then shined the light on me "Step out of the vehicle the both of you." he commanded we both got out with our hands up, the officer turned twista around and pushed him up against the car he then padded him down, my adreneline was pumping "Look man why you doing this?" "Just shut the fuck up!" he let go of Twista and begin to search the car. "AHA!" he was in the backseat and threw the xanax bottle on the ground, he put his hands on his hips and looked at Twista "Mind telling me what a full bottle of nonprescription xanax is doing in your car?" "Look man I can explained." he nodded his head and walked to me, he looked me up and down and smirked. "All this can be a secret if you do what I say."

The white police officers pants were down and he leaned his head up against the tree, I had his dick in my hand sucking his purple tip as hard as I could. "AGHHH...SHIT." he held on to my head and came. I pulled away coughing it up, Twista was sitting in the car, he adjusted hiself and pulled his pants up, we walked away from the woods towards the highway. He tilted his hat and walked back into his car pulling off, I got into the car shaking and wiping my mouth off. "I'm sorry." I leaned my head on the window "It was an act of power, if I didn't do it....we would've went to jail.......lets not talk about it again."

I then called Patricia "Hey trish wasup? I need a big favor from your brother... I need him to kidnap Twistas wife and kids.....then I need you to pull up and old file for me...this bitch intentionally fucked with the wrong one."

Adrians POV

It was 9pm I was still stuck stupid on how fast everything went. I was stung on the fact that I lost my child, Hezakiah wasn't handling it well, but he didn't understand it either, but how do you explain to your child that someone died. I looked down at my phone and seen that Shanice called about 10 times, I wasn't ready to talk to her right now. I seen Lucky sitting at the table in the corner with Crisco and Twista, I sat down and straighten myself up, they dapped me up and Lucky nodded at me "We got some business to discuss." The waitress came up to the table with a bottle of chardonnay and a platter of seafood, she poured it in our glasses "You know the italians is back in Baltimore looking to take over, but we wont let that happen because we are at our best right now we need no accidents, I'm gonna raise you all percentage of money and lower how much yall send back because yall have stuck by me thus far." He then lifted up his drink "toast to money and hoes." we raised our glasses in the air and toasted. We talked a little then all of a sudden a white man in a suit with about 5 others guys in suits came into the store with guns AK47s, VZ48, and a glock, the man in the middle whom was dressed in a white suit had a hair cut like Bruno Mars, and crocodile dress shoes with a cigar in his mouth. "OK SO EVERYBODY GOT AT LEAST 5 SECONDS TO GET THE FUCK OUT-" He shot the a bullet in the ceiling "Or yall can die also." people even the waiters scattered the building it was just us, they approached the table and he took his shades off "Hi old friend....just the person I'm looking for." Lucky chuckled "What is this thomas?" "Just an old visit, heard you raided my shit in California." Lucky had us thinking we killed the big dog when in all actuality we were doing his dirty work, I shook my head "Yo what the fuck is going on Lucky, I thought we killed the highest Italian." Crisco yelled, Thomas looked at him and chuckled "I'm the predecessor of my great father.....and as I see it aint nobody put a bullet in me." He waved 2 fingers and a crew member shot Crisco 13 times in the chest, loading him with lead, I covered myself and watched his body jump to the bullets that pierced him, blood was everywhere. Thomas wiped his face "ya clean this shit up." Luckys face turned red "I uh, my bad Thomas how about you have a seat man....why stand up?" " owe me 50 million fucked up operation..don't make me kill my fathers favorite worker." Lucky adjusted himself in his seat he then nodded his head. Thomas and his entourage walked out, I clenched my jaw and looked at Lucky "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU LOOKING AT?" he yelled "yo this is your issue man, I aint got shit to do with this man this all you." I got up and left $100 on the table "IF YOU LEAVE.....WE GONNA HAVE BEEF...I MADE YOU."

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