Chapter 1

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Taking the bus to school was not as bad as I expected it to be. Besides of all the loud talking and the evil glares elderly people give you when you are sitting in the handicap section, it rides smoothly. I don't talk to anyone on the bus and I'm mostly anti-social. My mom told me to make more than 2 friends and stop having the same best friends since kindergarten but I like everything the way it is. Why change it now as a junior in high school? 

I got off the bus and I realized that there was a motorcycle parked right in the parking lot for students. It was pretty cool and interesting but strange. I walked inside the school and went to my locker. My best friend Nicole closed it as soon as I opened it.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked. "I just opened it and here you come."

"I'm sorry," Nicole answered. "But I have to tell you something important."

"How about 'Hey Lillianae. I need to tell you something.' But you close my locker." 

I heard my other best friend, the loudest in the hallway. She ran to me and hugged me. "I missed you yesterday best friend!" she yelled. 

"Jaymana, whisper please," I told her. 

Her whisper is everyone's normal talking. "Sorry. Nicky has a boyfriend. And his name is Mickey."

"Jaymay!" Nicole yelled. "I'm supposed to tell her not you." 

They both started arguing and I started walking to class. I went in my classroom for math and I sat in my seat. I saw a guy come in with Mr. Pierre, my math teacher. The bell rang and Nicole and Jaymana ran inside the classroom. Mr.Pierre already marked them late. I pulled out my math book.

"Lillianae, can you please come to my desk?" Mr. Pierre asked.

I got up and walked to his desk. "Yes?" I asked.

"You know how much I know your mom and how much we hang out. Can I trust you to make friends with Jayson Cabrero?" 

I glanced at him and he glanced at me giving me a half smile that matched his good-looking face. "Sure. That's not a problem."

Mr. Pierre clicked his tongue and winked. "Good girl."

I walked with him and he sat next to me.  The smell of his colon lingered in the area that we were sitting in. Mr. Pierre started the class and he told me to share my book with Jayson until he gets one tomorrow. I helped him catch up with the math assignment and he caught up pretty quickly. Jayson is a nice person and he loves everything I love.

After lunch time, I was walking with Nicole to the library for study hall and I saw Jayson there. We sat at our table as usual and he came to the table.

"Hey Lillianae," he said. "May I study with you and your friend?"

I nodded and moved my bag out of the chair next to me. He sat down and he pulled out his science book. Nicole was asking him questions about what he was learning and what she needs to know. Jayson said some information that I didn't even know and I love science.

"How do you know all this stuff?" I asked him. "And how did you even remember my name?"

"I studied a lot of science and my uncle taught me a lot about science during the summer. And your name isn't that difficult unless someone calls you Lillian or Lilliana which I can't understand why."

I was amazed that he knew what people would call me besides my actual name. "Just call me Lilly so you won't get confused by those names. Believe me, lot's of people do."

"I did it for about 4 years," Nicole jumped in. "And Jaymana did it in 4 and a half. So for a day, it's pretty odd for you to get her name the correct way."

Jayson chuckled and closed his science books. "I'll see you ladies later." He left the library.

The bell rang for the next period and I went to my gym class.

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