Chapter 4

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Jayson took me home and I could not explain what I just heard at the restaurant. My mom was just leaving for work and I stopped her.

"Mom, I need to ask you something," I told her.

"Lilly, I'm going to be late to work," she replied. "We'll talk when I get back."

I grabbed her arm. "Mom please? It's important."

She placed her stuff down on the coffee table and we sat down on the couch. "What's on your mind Lilly?"

I sighed. "I met a new friend Jayson and yesterday, he saved me from the car accident, but doesn't know about the guy that came in through my window."

"What guy came through your window? Did he hurt you?"

"No he said he wasn't going to but he is the same person that saved me. But Jayson said he didn't come through my window but saved me from the car accident."

My mom grabbed my hand. "I think I might know the solution to your problem. Come with me to work today."

We got up and went outside. My mom drove me to her job and it was like I was at a fancy mansion. She had an ID card that had to be scanned for us to be allowed in the parking lot. We walked into the building and there were computers, cameras, and lots of people in the building.

"Welcome to EOVW Headquarters," my mom told me. "Expert Organization of Vampires and Werewolves."

I looked around. "This place is nice. I'm serious."

A man in a suit and tie came to my mom. "Greetings to the best detective and hunter I have ever met," he said as he shook her hand. "I'm very proud of your last successful hunt."

"Thank you," my mom replied. "This is my daughter Lillianae but you can call her Lilly."

He shook my hand. "Lilly, I am proud to meet you. My name is Mr. Walter Zovani. It is an honor to have your mom keep the Albany name on top of the board."

"I am proud to hear that," I responded.

"Lilly has been having some problems with someone and she is confused and full of anxiety," my mom said. "Can you please explain to me and her what might be the problem?"

"Come in my office," Mr. Zovani told us.

We followed him to his office and we sat down in office chairs with wheels on the bottom. I explained the situation with me and Jayson and how confused I am. When I was done, Mr. Zovani was worried.

"Okay, as head of the EOV Board, I know what has happened," he told me. "You had an encounter with a vampire because no one is fast enough to pull you to the sidewalk in lightning speed. Not even with an adrenaline rush."

"But Jayson isn't a vampire. He wouldn't be in school during the daytime."

"Most vampires can and most vampires cannot. We noticed that with some of the killings that went on."

I was even more confused. "What about the guardian?"

"Your friend was there because he knew about the car accident so he was the one in your room. One thing vampires are known for is lies and bringing confusion and anxiety. And your friend is doing that."

"But don't vampires protect?"

"Their own kind. Sometimes they fight each other depending on how each family treated each other. When they say that they'll protect you, they will bring you to their family to have dinner and you'll be their bottle of wine to a party."

I was officially scared. "Jayson wouldn't do that. I know he wouldn't."

"She has Sanguivoriphobia which is the fear of vampires," my mom jumped in. "Maybe her friend is one, maybe not. Lilly, did he tell you about any adrenaline rush problems?"

"Yes," I answered my mom. "He did."

"Well, when you see any weird actions that he is doing, let us know immediately."

"Okay mom."

We walked out his office and my mom drove us home. I was thinking about how Jayson saved me. Maybe I was in the moment where everything was in slow motion and it wasn't. But it has to be legitimately true that Jayson says who he says he is.

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