Chapter 2

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I took the bus home and I missed the first bus because I had to do extra credit for my C in social studies. So I had to take the second bus that came and that's full of all of the bad kids. When I got off the bus near my stop, I started walking to my home and I crossed the street. A car came speeding down the street on a red light and almost hit me. I felt arms go around my waist and I was moved to the other side of the sidewalk where my house was at about a block away. I was breathing heavily and I was in shock.

"Relax. You are going to be okay," I heard someone say.

I turned around and I saw nobody. I was freaking out like crazy. My mom came running out the house and saw me on the ground and almost had a panic attack. She came and ran to me and helped me up off the ground.

"Are you okay Lilly?" she asked.

I nodded. "Mom what did you see out the window?" I asked her.

"I saw you crossing the street and I knew you were coming home. I turned around then I heard cars screeching and horn honking and I looked back outside the window and saw you on the ground."

I was confused. "Did you see anyone behind me? Holding me?"

My mom shook her head. "No baby. I'm sorry. Come inside."

I was highly upset and confused. No one saw anyone behind me but I felt someone. I knew I heard his voice. I went inside with my mom and I started on my homework. I could not concentrate. My mom's phone kept ringing so it's not like I can talk to her for about a minute and see me get checked out by a doctor. Maybe I was hallucinating. But maybe it was all true but he left right before I looked at him.

"Lilly, I have to go," my mom said. "There's frozen cheeseburgers that you can heat up for dinner and there is enough flour for you to be creative with desert."

"Okay mom," I replied.

"I love you sweetie." She kissed my forehead.

"I love you too mom."

She left. I called Jaymana and asked her to come over. About 5 minutes later, she came over and she came with Nicole.

"Hey Lillianae," Nicole said.

"What's wrong?" Jaymana asked.

I sighed. "You guys wouldn't believe me. You'll think I'm lying."

"Tell us. We won't judge."

I was shaking a little. "Someone saved me from getting hit by a car and I didn't see the person. No one did."

Nicole raised her eyebrow. "Alright, what have you been smoking because I want to try some."

I felt embarrassed. "Told you both that you wouldn't believe me."

"I'm sorry but you are losing it."

"No I am not! I know there was someone watching me and saved my butt from getting put in the hospital!"

"Lilly, calm down," Jaymana said. "There is nothing to me mad about."

I took deep breathes. "I just don't know anymore."

Jaymana hugged me. "Calm down sweetie. Everything will be alright."

"I hope. I don't want you girls to think I'm crazy about this. I'm not lying."

"I think she's crazy," Nicole muttered under her breath.

I shot a dirty look at her direction. "I think you should leave."

"Why? I just told the truth."

"Nicole, leave now! Get out!"

Jaymana rubbed my back. "I think you need  little rest," she told me. "We'll both leave and you can go to bed, okay? Wait for your mom to come home."

I nodded. They both left because they're both twins so they both have to go home. I took a shower and changed into my pajamas. I got into my bed and watched a movie on TV.

It was a vampire fiction movie and I enjoyed it until I saw when the vamps started killing everyone. That's when I stopped watching it and literally screamed to death. I hid under my blanket when that part came and I just turned off the TV. I heard the door opened and my mom came in my room.

"Lilly, are you okay?" She asked me.

"Yes ma'am I'm fine," I answered.

She came in and kissed my forehead. "Good night baby."

"Good night mom."

My mom left and closed my door behind her. I turned off my light and I tried to go to sleep. I heard the wind through my window and it made me shiver. I looked at the window and I saw someone standing near the window. I turned on the lights and he was still there. I couldn't see his face because he was wearing sunglasses and a hat. Before I can scream, he covered my mouth.

"Save your voice," he told me. "I won't hurt you."

I was breathing heavily again. I wanted to have a panic attack. I tried moving his hand but he was too strong.

"If I move my hand, will you scream?" He asked me.

I shook my head. He released me. "Who are you?" I asked.

"Let's just call me your guardian. I saved you from the car accident."

"So I wasn't crazy? How do you know me?"

He sighed. "Just know that you are always protected by me. Sleep good Lillianae."

I saw him leave out the window. I got up and ran to the window. He disappeared. I knew that I wasn't crazy. But I need to know who that person is.

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