Chapter 6

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I woke up in the morning after having a dream about two people fighting over me. I was thinking about going to the movie theater with my friends, including Jayson. It's Saturday so why not have Saturday fun?

I called Jaymana and she wants to go. Nicole apologized over the phone for calling me crazy and she wants to go. I called Jayson and he wants to go. I got up and took a shower and got dressed. I ran downstairs to get some apple juice and my mom was leaving for work.

"Do you have any plans for today?" My mom asked.

"Hanging out with friends and chilling at the movie theaters," I answered.

"No vampire movies. You hear?"

"Yes ma'am."

My mom kissed my forehead. "See you later Lilly."

I waved as she left the house. I heard Jayson's motorcycle outside about 5 minutes later. I grabbed my purse, phone, and jacket and ran outside.

Jayson stopped the engine. He took off the helmet. "Hey Lilly," he said.

"Hey Jayson," I replied. I gave him a hug. "Whoa, you have a tight grip."

He released me. "I'm strong like that." He handed me the helmet.

I put my jacket on and my purse around my neck and shoulders with my phone in it. I got on the motorcycle with Jayson and he started the engine. He drove to the movie theaters and Nicole and Jaymana was already there. Jayson parked the motorcycle and we walked to them.

"Hey girls," I said to them.

"Hey Lilly and Jayson," Jaymana said.

"Y'all going out?" Nicole asked.

"No I drove her here," Jayson answered.

We walked in the movie theaters and it was time for us to pick a movie. I suggested anything except vampires. They wanted to see Dog Soldiers. So we paid for the tickets and we went in the movie room to watch it. There wasn't a lot of people that were watching it which I don't understand. The beginning was okay but when it came to the part when it started getting very bloody and wolves are attacking people, I couldn't stay in there. I started screaming and putting my jacket in front of my face. Jayson, who was sitting next to me shook me.

"Lilly, calm down," he said. "What is wrong with you?"

"I wanna go home!" I screamed. "I can't be in here watching this scary movie."

"Lilly, the movie is good," Nicole told me.

"Yeah, just relax and watch it," Jaymana added.

I took the jacket off my head and I saw the wolf on the screen. I got up and ran out of the room and ran outside. I threw up near the sidewalk. Jayson came outside and saw me. I felt so embarrassed but terrified.

"Lilly, what's wrong?" he asked. "It's just a movie."

"I hate it," I answered. "It's too scary."

"Do you have lupophobia?"

"What's that?"

Jaymana came outside with Nicole. "Okay, tell me if this picture scares you." Nicole showed me a picture of a wolf.

I closed my eyes. "Stop showing me that!" I yelled.

"It does," Jayson said. "She caught lupophobia seeing that movie." he hugged me. "It's my fault. We shouldn't have seen that movie."

"Okay, should we let Lilly get some air?" Jaymana asked.

"Yeah," Jayson answered. "I'll take her somewhere and at 2:00, we'll meet up at the diner. It's 1:04 so we got about 56 minutes." he walked me to the parking lot and we got on the motorcycle.

"Jayson, where are we going?" I asked.

"We are going to my definition of a park," he answered. "But it's safe."

"I feel safe around you all the time." I put the helmet on.

He drove to a place near a park but it was a forest area. We got off the motorcycle and I followed him to a treehouse.

"Where's the ladder?" I asked.

"You don't need one," he answered. He climbed up the tree using the branches. "Come up."

It looked scary climbing that tree. I don't want to get hurt. "I'm afraid of getting hurt."

"It's easy Lilly. The branches won't break. Promise."

I carefully climbed the tree and Jayson helped me get into the tree house. When we got in, Jayson pulled me close to him and wrapped a scarf around my neck.

"Stay still, don't move," he told me in my ear.

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