Chapter 9

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I was scared to death once again. Jayson told me not to look into "their eyes" but I don't know who "they" are. "Jayson, where are we?" I asked very scared.

"Just calm down," he told me.

"I can't calm down if I don't know what is going on!" I yelled.

Jayson covered my mouth. "You need to stay calm Lillianae. You can't always freak out. Okay? I know you have fears and everything but you need to calm down. Okay? Do it for me."

We got out the car and Jayson pulled me close to him. He had his arm wrapped around my neck loosely. We ran into the woods and I got on Jayson's back. He carried me and in his vampire speed he ran deep into the woods and found our tree house. He put me down.

"I'm going to be right back," he said. "Don't move from this place, okay?"

"Okay," I replied.

He ran off somewhere. I was terrified. I saw animals running around. I found a bunny. It seemed attracted to me. I picked it up and held it close to me like if Jayson was holding me. I started petting the bunny. I released it and it ran off to my right. An animal ate the bunny right in front of me. The animal looked at me and I looked into it's green eyes. Now I understood why Jayson told me not to look into their eyes. It was a wolf and it almost hypnotized me. I broke out of it and I was traumatized.

I didn't know if I should run or stay where Jayson told me to stay and scream for him. I made up my mind by the time I was running as fast as I could deeper into the woods to find Jayson. I screamed his name. I couldn't find him. Maybe I went in the wrong direction. I stopped when I didn't see the wolf anymore. I tried to catch my breath. I felt something sink into my arm and go inside my bloodstream. It was very painful. I looked to my right and saw the wolf biting me. I screamed and tried to get the wolf off of me. Jayson came and knocked the wolf off of me. I fell on the ground because of the force and the pain in my arm got worse.

"Jayson!" I screamed.

After he killed the wolf, he came to me and picked up my arm. "Oh no," he said. "He got the poison in you."

"Can you take it out?"

"I need some help. Give me a second." He used the speed dial and called someone. After Jayson explained the situation, someone came in two seconds. It was Oliver.

He was startled when he saw me. "I can't get that out. Big Bro, you have to."

"I need your help," Jayson told him. "She is going to die if I taste her blood and I keep going."

I screamed in pain when it got worse. Oliver sat me up on his lap. He put his hands on my neck and they were icy cold. He rubbed my shoulders.

"Everything will be okay," he told me. "You are going to feel a pinch in a minute."

"I don't care I just want it out," I responded.

Jayson brushed his fingers against my cheek. "I'm going to make it go away."

I felt his sharp teeth go into the same spot that the wolf bit me. I felt the pain going away slowly out my body. Oliver touched my neck again. I started hyperventilating because I felt pain again.

"Calm down," he told me. "He's almost done."

I stopped and started feeling lightheaded. Oliver told Jayson to stop and Jayson stopped. He was gasping, trying to catch his breath.

"That poison was very strong," he said. He cupped my face. "Do you feel better?"

I nodded. "I feel a little lightheaded."

He picked me up. "Oliver, check to see if the territory is clear. I can't let anything else happen to her."

Oliver ran to do what he said. I was falling asleep in Jayson's arms. Oliver came back. "It's clear," he told Jayson.

Jayson ran with Oliver to the car. He put me down in the back seat. He sat next to me. Oliver was driving. I fell asleep in the car.

When I woke up, we were at Jayson's house. He took me inside and his dad told Jayson to put me on the couch. He did a check up on me and looked at my arm. Every time he touched the bite mark it would hurt.

"You are very lucky," Mr. Cabrero told me. "Jayson was able to save your life just in time."

I looked at him. "Why were you able to do it?" I asked.

He sighed. "If I tell you, you'll hate me."

"My love for you will never change."

He cupped my face with one hand. "Do you feel how warm I am?"

"Yes." I feel the difference between him and his family.

"That's because I'm not 100% vampire. I was born as 50% vampire and 50% wolf."

I was scared but I didn't care. "Do you turn into one?"

"No, but I have reflexes like them and vision like them."

"I don't care if you were part unicorn. You saved my life. If you were 100% vampire, I would've died."

Jayson kissed my forehead. "I really love you."

"Okay, Jayson take her in your room so she can rest," Mr. Cabrero said.

As I was being carried upstairs I realized that when Jayson tells me stuff, I want to draw closer to him. He is more of a vampire than a wolf and as long as he doesn't attack me, I will always love him.

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