Chapter 19 - The Hospital Scene

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Disclaimer -  I do not own this book nor do I own Harry Potter for if I did I would make drarry a real thing

Warnings - This book is going to have characters in it dead, alive and also this takes place in their 8th year at Hogwarts 

Chapter 19 - The Hospital Scene

A father is someone who carries pictures where his money used to be


Potter was the only one in the hospital wing, which wasn't that surprising. He was sleeping, curled in a half moon. His arm was awkwardly placed and it looked as if he was reaching for someone. His mouth was set in a frown that Draco found out of place after so many months of being attached to the boy. 

"Where do you suppose Granger and Weasley are?" Pansy asked, keeping her voice low. 

"I chased them out." Madame Pomfrey swept in, holding a tray of potions and food. "I assumed you would come eventually and they were furious with you, Mr. Malfoy. Miss Granger said something about wishing she had hit you harder third year." She set the tray down on the nightstand next to Potter's glasses and pointed to the food. "Make sure he eats when he wakes up." 

The Slytherins nodded. The nurse turned back to her patient and woke him up with a smart slap to his head. "Mister Potter would you please get up? I woke you up fifteen minutes ago!"

"M sleepin', you ol' hag." Potter mumbled, turning over. "Go 'waaaay..." 

"You've always been up before me!" Pomfrey clucked like a mother hen. "Get up boy or I'll get Peeves to do it for me! What possessed you to go back to sleep? You love mornings. I still can't believe you missed the sunrise. You've never done that before!" 

Grumbling something about sadistic old women, Potter sat up, yawning loudly. "I don't like mornings any more." he groaned good-naturally. "And sunsets are just as pretty as sunrises and at a much more reasonable hour. I want to go back to sleep, Madame Evil Witch Doctor."

"Too bad. You have visitors." Immediately Potter's eyes locked onto Draco, Pansy, and Blaise.

"Here" Madame Pomfrey shoved a potion at Potter. "Drink this. Then eat! You never eat enough. I swear, you're anorexic"

"I am not." Potter rolled his eyes and downed the potion in one shot. He gagged. "urgh, that was nasty."

"What did you expect?" The nurse's lips twitched. "Pumpkin juice?"

"Be nice to me." Potter glared playfully at the woman. "I just went through puberty over night! Don't you ever feel bad for  me when I end up here, Poppy?"

Madame Pomfrey cuffed him on the back of his head, laughing. "Harry James Potter! I used to feel bad for you, until you started showing up once a month! Now I think you do it deliberately."

"Oh, of course!" Potter's eyes gleamed as he took his glasses from his nightstand and pushed them into place on his nose. "Alas, I can hit it no more! Mine heart aches for you, my sweet!" he dramatically clasped a hand over his heart, grasping one of Madame Pomfrey's in the other. "Run away with me, Poppy dearest! I shall give you everything you could ever desire! Leave the castle behind and come be my bride!"

Madame Pomfrey burst into laughter and snatched her hand back. "I'm afraid I must decline. I do believe you have some serious mother issues, my boy."

Potter laughed, a low, rough sound that made Draco's stomach do back-flips. Madame Pomfrey smiled down at him, then left for her office. "I shall make sure you are not disturbed." she added as she left. 

"Thank you!" Potter called cheerfully. 

He turned his attention back to the Slytherins and gestured to the chairs next to his bed. "Well, go on, sit. I doubt you'd rather stand."

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