Nepgear x Vert

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"V-Vert, isn't this a bit much?", Nepgear complained.
The Planeptune CPU candidate was currently in Leanbox, spending time with it's CPU Vert. She traveled there after completing some quests with Neptune, although the older Nep sister wasn't very happy about it , but allowed it since Nepgear was the helpful and kind type.
"My precious Nepgear, can you try at least one more outfit for me?," Vert pouted.
Due to her shy and timid personality, she gaved in without much resistance.
"Alright, just one more okay?"
Vert put her hands together in a sign of joy.
"Thank you, you truly are the best little sister anyone could have."
She embraced Nepgear in a hug.
"G-Goodness Vert. "I'm very happy to help in any possible way ," the younger girl replied, a bit surprised by the sudden hug.
Vert held up a maid costume, "Now then, try this one on."
After changing into the maid outfit, Nepgear was bombarded by Vert, telling her how cute she look in it and how she would love to be served by Nepgear.
"You looked so lovely in all of the outfits Nepgear, my heart is pounding in excitement."
A sweat drop appeared on the candidate's forehead.
"...Vert..are you okay?," she asked worriedly.
The goddess in question took a step forward and placed her right hand on Nepgear's left cheek.
"Yes Nepgear, I am very much okay," Vert responded. Although the look in her eyes told a different story, they were filled with desire and passion.
"Umm..can I please have some space V-Vert?"
The CPU candidate soon saw the look in Vert's eyes and knew that she couldn't get away.
Vert slowly moved forward and placed a kiss on Nepgear's lips, keeping a firm, yet gentle hold on her.
"What the g-g-goodness?!," the purple haired girl thought."
Vert started to take full control of the kiss, wondering how the other girl would respond.
Nepgear soon returned the kiss, a little awkwardly though, since this was her first kiss and couldn't keep up with Vert.
After nearly a minute of kissing, the need for oxygen soon arrived and the two separated.
As they gasped for breath, they looked at each other.
"V-Vert," Nepgear's lips tremble.
The blonde CPU realized what happened and felt horrible for doing that to someone precious to her.
"N-Nepgear...I'm sorry for doing that."
Tears formed in her eyes and she began to walk away.
Nepgear walked up and grabbed Vert by the arm. "Vert..please wait."
"Nepgear? Aren't you mad at me for taking advantage of you?," she asked, with tears still visible in her eyes.
Nepgear turned Vert around and looked her in the eye. "No, I'm not angry, I was just very surprised by that action."
" don't  hate me for forcing my love on you?," the Leanbox goddess asks, hoping for some form of reciprocation.
The purple haired candidate moved her hand up to the older goddess' face, wiping the tears away.
" fact I love you too Vert," a smile formed on the younger girl's face.
Vert couldn't believe her own ears, Nepgear had finally returned her feelings after so long.
"Nepgear...I love you so much!," Vert embraced her in a tight hug and passionately kissed her all over and stopped after awhile.
Nepgear blushed real hard, however she enjoyed the display of kisses.
"I love you much as well Vert."
Those words filled Vert with joy.
"Does this we are a couple now?," the candidate asked.
"I-I mean, I do want to be with you," she explains.
Looking at that adorable expression was difficult to resist.
"Yes it does Nepgear~"
"I'm really glad Vert."
"So am I my darling."
Nepgear spent the night with Vert after informing Histoire and Neptune that she want spent some more additional time with the CPU.
She decided to tell them about their relationship tomorrow.
Nepgear was currently in Vert's bed, getting ready to sleep.
"Good night Nepgear."
"Good night Vert."
The new couple fell asleep, happily in each other's comfort.
A/N: This oneshot was a challenge to write, especially since I love Nepgear x Vert. Tell me what you guys think of this chapter?
Positive criticism is welcome.

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