Blanc x Vert

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"Hmm..." Blanc rolled over as sunlight began to enter the room. As she turned over, her face landed on a rather soft pair of *pillows.* She adjusted to the light as she continued to sleep, completely unaware of the fact that she was face-to-face with Vert's breasts. The Lowee CPU continued to sleep peacefully along with her Leanbox lover for a bit longer. They looked peaceful and perfect in the light together.

About half an hour later, Vert began to stir. She softly yawns as she opens her eyes, which resulted in her vision being blurry at first. Once her vision came into focus, she noticed that a particular goddess was resting near her cleavage. She amusingly smiles at the sight. 'Oh Blanc,' she thinks to herself. Vert silently sighs as she holds Blanc closer to her. It was odd, considering their differences the two of them had in the past. And now, here they are, in Leanbox, sleeping together and enjoying each other's company. The possibility of the two of them dating seemed rather unlikely, but... that's in the past and their future together looked promising.

While Very was thinking about their relationship, Blanc had woken up and was... very surprised to find herself in an embarrassing position. "Vert...?," she whispered out. The Leanbox goddess was broken out of her thoughts to look down and sees her girlfriend lightly blushing due to the awkward situation. A soft chuckles escapes Vert's lips. "Why, good morning, Blanc. I hope you slept well." An innocent smile appeared on her face as she was trying not to laugh at the other goddess' flustered expression.

"G-Good morning, Vert," was all Blanc could muster in her embarrassed state. 'Damn you, thunder tits.' This wasn't how she wanted to wake up, especially with Vert around. The little goddess felt a hand on top of her head as it stroked her hair. "What are you-" Her question was cut off as Vert spoke. "Oh, this? I'm just captivated by your adorable appearance, Blanc. No wonder why many considered you to be very cute, I mean... you are simply charming." She held her even to her. "I'm quite fortunate to be with someone like you, Blanc." Vert smiled as she witnessed the CPU of Lowee blush like never before, her cheeks were very red and flushed. "Damn you, thunder tits," she muttered. "Hmm? What was that, Blanc? I'm afraid that I didn't quite catch that."

She watched as her girlfriend separated herself from her grasp and sat on the bed. "I said, damn you thunder tits!," Blanc repeated. "I know that I'm not exactly well built, but I'll be damn if you treat me like a child in this relationship!," she stated. "We're equals, understood?" She stared at the larger goddess, waiting for her response. Instead, she received a chuckle from her. "What's so funny?," she asked. Vert calmed herself before speaking. "It's nothing. Look Blanc." She sat up as well and faced her. "I understand that you don't like being treated like a young child. It was not my intention to do so. I apologize if I made you think this way." She approached Blanc and gently kissed her. Vert pulled away as she left the girl completely off guard. "We are equals. I never meant to make you feel uncomfortable. Will you forgive me?"

Blanc casts her graze to the side as she mutters, "I do." "Oh, what was that? I'm afraid that I wasn't able to hear your response," Vert pretended to whine. She enjoyed seeing the irritated expression on Blanc's face, it never got old, regardless how many times it happened. She forms a fist with her right hand. "Fine," she gritted her teeth together. "I forgive you," she saids loud enough for her to hear. She then pouts. "There, satisfied?" Her response was met with a hug. "Of course, Blanc. I knew what you said earlier, I just wanted you to say it louder and clearer." Blanc sighed.  "You are pretty difficult to understand sometimes, Vert," she concluded. "So are you Blanc," Vert countered. "But... I suppose that is one of the many reasons of why I love you and treasure you so much."

She planted a kiss on her cheek and got off the bed. "Now then, I hope you are in the mood for breakfast." Blanc rolled her eyes, although she was more happy than annoyed at her. "Sure, but you owe me after this." Vert smiled at her. "And I wouldn't have it any other way."

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