Compa x IF ~ First Date

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"Why am I so nervous for my date?," IF asked herself. She has been on edge for several days now, because she finally gathered the courage to ask Compa out on a date. Although, it was embarrassing for her, Compa agreed to it.
"What if something goes wrong? What if I say something stupid to her? What if I-"
Her rant was interrupted as she felt a pair of hands on her shoulders and she was shook back and forth by someone.
"Snap out of it, Iffy!," Neptune called out.
"Nep?! Woah! Please stop shaking m-me so violently!," her friend pleaded.
"Oh... sorry about that." Neptune stopped and let her go. "You were just going on about your date with Compa being over before it begun."
"But I-"
"Neptune is right, IF. You are overreacting. Your outing with Compa will be perfectly fine," Histoire chimed in.
"Lady Histoire?"
The little oracle floated on her tome and went towards IF. "Remember, this is Compa you are talking about. She agreed to spent time with you."
"What if-"
"No ifs, Iffy. Nothing has happened yet. Just relax and just your date with Compa."
IF sighed in defeat. "I just don't want to ruin this for her."
Neptune gave her a kind smile. "You won't Iffy."
IF looks at her and slightly smiles. "Alright Nep, I'll trust you. And thank you as well, Lady Histoire."
"There is no need to thank me, IF. I am just giving you hope is all. Now then, it's best if you leave, if you want to be on time with your date with Compa."
The brunette nodded. "On it. I'll back later."
"Good luck," Neptune and Histoire said in unison.
IF turned around and left the Basilicom to head to her destination.
Compa was patiently waiting for IF at a plaza. Speaking of which, her date arrived.
Compa waved at her. "Iffy!"
IF approached her. "C-Compa."
The young nurse smiled, unaware of how nervous her friend was.
She gently grabbed her hand and softly pulled along as she walked. "Let's go, Iffy."
IF blushed as she and Compa held hands together as they walked. This feels... nice," she thought to herself.
They arrived at a cafe and entered. The two were guided to a table by a waitress and sat down, and looked through the menus. They ordered tea and patiently waited. The two friends talked about recent things going on in their lifes, ranging from their jobs to talking about the CPUs, mainly about Neptune.
As their drinks arrived, they continued their conversation as they took sips. The date seemed to a success, IF's point of view. She felt her nervousness slowly fading away.
After they finished their drinks and paid for them, they decided to go back to the Basilicom.
Seeing as this was the end of their date, IF wanted to say one last thing to her.
"S-so, Compa... I really had fun today," she spoke.
Compa smiled. "Me too, Iffy."
"I-I hope we can do this again."
Compa gently grabbed her friend's hands and held them. "I would like too as well," she replied and let go of her hands.
IF looked her in awe. "Really... Compa?"
She nods. "I do, Iffy."
IF smiled with joy in her heart. "I look forward to it."
Compa nods in agreement.
"Today wasn't a bad after all," IF thought.
"Nep and Histoire were right, I just needed to relax and trust myself."
IF and Compa bit farewell well to each other, as the young nurse needed to go back to work at a Planeptune hospital. IF now felt confident about herself and was excited for her next date with Compa. "I can't wait," she smiled.

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