Neptune x Uzume ~ Carnival Time

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"This place is so packed, right Uzume?"
"I agree with you, Nepsy."
The two CPUs were hanging out at a carnival in Planeptune. Neptune invited Uzume, since everyone else she knew was busy with something else. Fortunately, she agreed and they went to the event together.
There were stalls filled with games and prizes. The turnout of people there, wasn't bad either.
They decided to walk around and look for a stall to play at. The duo soon arrived at one and looked at the prizes. Many kinds of stuff animals were on display, ranging from a dogoo to an ancient dragon. A man working the booth walked up to them.
"So you girls think that you can manage to win a prize?"
Uzume and Neptune nod. "You betcha!," they said in unison. The booth owner smiled.
"That's the spirit."
He pointed at some bowling pins and handed them three balls. "If you knock down all of these pins, you can choose any of these stuff animals as your prize. And it's on the house for this one," he explains.
Uzume looked at the ball in her hand. "Piece of cake. Nepsy, watch me win this with one throw."
Neptune nods. "You can do it Uzume!"
The man chuckles. "Overconfident, are we?"
Uzume grins as she prepares to throw. "Of course I am."
"Good luck then, young lady."
"I won't need it, but thanks anyway."
She forms a firm hold on the ball and gets into a pitcher position. Uzume takes a deep breath a and throws the ball at the pins. Neptune watches, excitement and nervousness building up in her. The ball connects, knocking all of the pins back.
Uzume throws a fist in the air. "First try!"
The man looks surprised, clearly not expecting that outcome. "Well, a deal is a deal. Which one do you girls want?"
She points at the ancient dragon. "That one of course."
He brings it down and gives it to her. "Enjoy."
"Thanks." They walk away.
Neptune excitedly hugs Uzume.
"That was... awesome!," the purplette exclaims.
"O-oh... that, it was nothing," the redhead shrugs. Although, she was afraid of failing and embarrassing herself in front of Neptune.
Her friend cuddles into her. "Still, it was impressive."
Uzume noticed that Neptune was getting more comfortable in their weird hug, and was suddenly a bit bashful about it. Her cheeks were becoming as red as her hair.
"Umm... Nepsy, isn't this bit awkward?"
Neptune looked at her. "Not really. It's actually a bit comfortable."
"Well, could you please separate from me?," her friend pleaded.
Neptune pouts. "Fine," and breaks the hug.
Uzume strangely feels disappointed and lonely when she does that. "Am I okay?," she asks herself. She brushes it off and looks at Neptune. "How about we look for something to eat?"
Neptune nods. "Yeah, I'm starving."
"Let's go then."
They walked towards a fool stall and order noodles for the both of them. They each take turns eating until they accidentally both slurp the food at the same time and end up kissing each other.
Uzume separates from Neptune as she blushes.
"S-so sorry Nepsy." Neptune brushes it off as this wasn't a big deal. "Don't worry about it, no harm done."
Uzume didn't fully agree with that, but decided not to argue and would bring it up later. The two goddess spent the rest of the evening playing games and walking around. During the whole time, Uzume began to feel more nervous about Neptune. The kiss from earlier was still haunting her, confusing her about how she felt around the purple-haired goddess.
The carnival was beginning to end and they decided to walk back to the Basilicom. Once there, Uzume decided to apologize again for accidentally kissing Neptune.
"Nepsy, about earlier... I'm sorry for-"
Her apology was cut short as Neptune wrapped her arms around her neck and kissed her for a
few seconds before separating and winking at" her. Uzume's face became very red, matching her hair. "Nepsy?!"
"That's makes us even, okay?"
"You seem distracted after the incident from earlier, so I decided to kiss you to even it out and because.... you're cute Uzume," she saids the last part bashfully.
"Me, c-cute?"
Uzume tries to process this information. It seemed like Neptune confessed to her, but her brain was still malfunctioning.
"So... you *like* me?"
Neptune buried her face in Uzume's chest and wrapped her arms around her waist.
"Uzume, I don't just like you, I love you."
"I.... love you too," she managed to get that last part before she stopped talking.
They remained still and quiet for awhile, before it started to get dark. Neptune and Uzume separated from each other. "I guess that... we should go inside before Histoire starts to get worried."
"You're right about that... Nepsy."
Neptune grabs one of Uzume's hand and gently squeezes it. "Let's go then."
Uzume looks at her and shyly smiles.  "You've got it, Nepsy."
They begin heading into the Basilicom and hopefully tell Histoire and Nepgear about their sudden relationship. Regardless of the outcome, this day was fun for the two of them.

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