Blanc x C-Sha ~ Jealously

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"Hey, Blanny," C-Shacalled out.
"What is it, C-Sha?," Blanc replied.
The goddess of Lowee was busy reading a new book that she recently purchased. She wasn't happy to be disturbed right, especially since she found the story to be with interesting so far.
The busty Gold Third member gave her a kind smile. "I was wondering if you would join me in hunting down some monsters."
Blanc flipped a page as she responded. "No thank you. I'm busy at the moment."
"Aw come on. Don't you ever get bored of reading for so long."
Her loli friend continued to read. "And don't you ever get tired of fighting?"
C-Sha sighs. "Okay, fair point. I'm just saying that it would be nice if you could step out of your comfort zone for a bit and you know... hang out with me for a bit."
Blanc stopped reading and closed her book. She got up from a chair and walked towards C-Sha. "If I agree to go with you, will you let read in peace afterwards?"
C-sha nods. "If that'll make you come with me, then sure."
"Fine then, I'll go with you."
C-Sha wrapped her arms around Blanc and pulled her towards her. This resulted in the small goddess making contact with the taller girl's breasts. Inwardly, Blanc sighs in annoyance. "It's not fair."
"Thanks, Blanny." C-Dha happily increases her hold on the small goddess. After bearing with this for so long, Blanc separates herself from her, and sighs. "Let's go before I start to regret my decision."
"You got it, Blanny."
The duo leave the Basilicom and head off to the frozen land of Lowee to fight some monsters. They soon encounter some, although not much to put up a decent fight.
Blanc, or White Heart to be more precise, was easily crushing the monsters in her path. She swung her hammer with full force, slicing a group of dogoos of apart. "Ha! Too easy!"
C-Sha was holding up pretty well too. Well certainly not a goddess, she holding her own and rounded house kick a monster. She ran up to it, grabbed one of it's arms and flipped it over, resulting in it crashing on the ground and turning into code afterwards.
They kept this routine up for awhile, until the number of monsters went down alot and their stamina was greatly drained at this point.
Blanc reverted back to her human form and took a deep breath and exhaled. "Finally, they're gone for now."
C-Sha nervously laughs. "There was more of them then... I expected." She was still a bit tired from fighting earlier.
Blanc faced her friend. "Let's leave before they respawn."
C-Sha nodded. "Right."
They walked back to the Basilicom and when they arrived in Blanc's room, Blanc sits down at her desk, while C-Sha sits on her bed. They sigh, still drained from earlier.
Blanc grabs her book and resumes reading. Occasionally, she glances at C-Sha, who is taking deep breaths and exhales. Blanc watched her as her chest slowly rose up and down. "Damn it. Why me? Why do I have suffer like this?
She silently sighs. "At least she doesn't brag about her chest, thanks alot, Vert."
While Blanc was inwardly complaining, C-Sha noticed that Blanc was staring at her.
"Uh.... Blanny?"
That caused her to snap out of it. "What C-Sha?"
"You were giving me a funny look. Is there something on my face?"
Blanc quickly shifts her eyes to her chest again and looks away. "No."
"Are you sure? You just moved your eyes right now," she then realized what that meant. Blanc was envious of her bust.
"Oh.... so that's what this is about."
The goddess of Lowee didn't face her. "So, what if I'm jealous?," she coldly asks.
C-Sha stood up and walked over to her. "There's nothing wrong with the way you are. Besides, you look cute like this anyway."
She stopped in front of her and placed her hand on Blanc's shoulder. "Blanny..."
Her friend sighs. "It's just not fair."
C-Sha wraps her arms around her and hugs her. "It's okay, I like the way you are. It brings out the kindness in you, along with your cuteness."
A small blush appears on Blanc's face when she hears this. "Flattering me won't get you anywhere, C-Sha."
"Aw, don't be like that. Sadness doesn't suit you, Blanny.
She holds her closer. "Please smile for me, even if it's just for a moment. I don't want you to be like this."
Silence ensues for a few moments before Blanc finally speaks again. "Are you finished? If so, then let me go."
C-Sha lets go of her. "Are you back to being normal?," she hopefully asks.
"Tell anyone about this, and you'll regret it, got it?"
That counted as a yes in C-Sha's book.
"At least you don't sound sad anymore."
Blanc sighs and stands up. "Your attempt at cheering me up was very cheesy, but I give you credit for trying at least.
The tall brunette sweatdrops. "You're... welcome?"
"I'm going to do some quests for awhile, care to join me?"
"Of course, Blanny."
Blanc begins to head out and C-Sha follows after her. As they walked together, she thought about her speech from earlier. "Thanks C-Sha, for reminding me of who I am."

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