Schroeder (Chapter 3)

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I woke up being a nervous wreck. I was scared/excited/nervous all at the same time. I cant believe I'm going to see all my friends again! Linus,Charlie Brown, Shermy, Frieda, Pig-Pen, Lucy. Lucy.... I wonder how shes doing? I know i was really harsh on her when I left and I hope she was willing to forgive me. But I couldn't dwell on that thought for to long. I threw on a pair of black skinny jeans, a purple shirt with black stripes going through them, black converse, and a purple beanie. My school in Germany was quite an experience, but I'm excited to see my friends again. After I eat some cereal I headed out the door.
On my way to school i put in my recording of Beethoven's classics. When i got out of my car almost the whole gang was there well everybody except Linus, Lucy, and Charlie Brown. After I waved hi to my friends, my fingers were itching to play some music on the piano. As i head into school, I went straight to the music room. Before I entered, I heard that somebody was already on the piano. And I swear they were playing Beethoven. I was curious to see who was playing the music, so I entered the room. I saw a girl with hair as black as coal  and it bounced off her shoulders. I was about to say something until the bell rang. When it ran I rushed to find my homeroom, all i was thinking about was, who that girl was?

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