Peppermint Patty (Chapter 7)

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It was typical day for me. I woke up with my best friend friend Marcy already waiting for me at the door. The only thing different, was that I was anxious. The dance was coming up and I am starting to think that Chuck.....I mean Charlie has lost interest in me. I know it's kinda crazy and I mean this is Charlie Brown I'm talking about! Even though i know he loves me, what happens if he finds somebody prettier one day. I mean it's not impossible... he did like that little red haired girl, and she is beautiful! I remember how Charlie's face would change when he saw her....he doesn't do that to me anymore. Maybe I'm just overthinking this! Maybe he will ask me today! I grabbed a green tank top with a white skirt, and a pair of flip-flops. To be honest I haven't really forgotten the whole "tomboy" look, but I began to explore some more. I decided to let my hair down and I headed into Marcie's car.
"Hello...sir.", Marcie chuckled. Did you here the news? What news, I asked? Schroeder is back! I couldn't believe he was back, it's been forever! After we talked about our childhood memories, I began to fill Marcie in on what I was thinking in the morning. When I stopped talking, I could see that we reached the parking lot, I got out of the car with Marcie and went to say a quick hello to Schroeder. After that I made my way into home room. I was kinda disappointed that I didn't see Charlie, but there was always lunch! During Lunch period I found my seat across from Marcie. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw Charlie walk in with a red rose in his pocket. This is it!, I yelled in Marcie's face. She immediately followed my gaze and caught on quickly. This is just one of the things I like about her. We both pretended to make a conversation as Charlie walks over to where I am standing. Before I could say anything he took my hand, knelt on the ground, took out the flower, then..... he said nothing. I gave him a smile to comfort him, but he went blank. By this time I felt very bad for him, because everybody was looking and laughing at him. I was startled from my thought when dropped the flower and made a dash for the exit. I followed him, with my mind only thinking about bad things.

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