Lucy (Chapter 4)

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I woke up by my noisy alarm clock. That alarm clock is such a pain, i mumbled to myself. It was Wednesday (my third day of school), and I was already tired! Before i could rant on about how i hated going to school, my phone buzzed. It was a text message from the gang! All of a sudden I felt my heart stop beating. This couldn't be happening to me! Schroeder is back. My mind went back to the things he said to me before he left to stupid Germany. Without even realizing it I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away when I saw the time! I was going to be late for school. I threw the covers off my bed, and pushed Schroeder to the back of my head. I threw on a pair of black jeans, a frilly blue top, black flats, and my navy blue headband. I stopped really caring so much after I started playing the piano. It turns out Schroeder was right  about one thing, Beethoven was a wonderful composer. My mind started to stray again, that is when i knocked on Linus's door and told him to hurry up. I grabbed a granola bar on the way out.

In the car I could tell that Linus was concerned about me. I don't know why I don't tell him things that bother me. I guess its because I'm always use to being the tough one in my house. I was a nervous wreck! I couldn't even think straight! Even Beethoven couldn't help me think at the moment. Linus was about to ask me something, when we arrived at school. Right when I parked my car, i gave him a quick smile and wave and rushed to my favorite place in the world. The music room. When I sat down and started to play the Beethoven's classics, my mind began to think of Schroeder. Stop doing this too your self! I was lost in thought until I heard the bell rang! Oh no! Im going to be late for History homeroom! I ran into class just in time in order to take my seat. When our teacher handed out the assignment I groaned and slumped down in my chair where nobody could see me. I was about to fall asleep when our teacher made an announcement. "Ahem students we have a new student joining our...". Before he could finish a boy with familiar blond hair walked
in. He was wearing the cutest outfit Ive ever seen until i realized....that was Schroeder.

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