WHY _Photon_Phoenix_

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Do you like hate me _PhotonPhoenix_

1.Who is the most influential Tv/movie/whatever persona to you and why?

uhhh I don't actually have a favourite. No one really inspires me

2.if you could change your life in any way, how would you change it and why?

Make myself have magical powers. So then I could make the world more interesting

3. Would you rather cut off both of your legs or one leg off of two of your friends and why.

O.O This is like really weird... what kind of question is this? Both my friends. What I'm not selfish. its better this way. Two for the price of one. there no use in one person having no legs at all. At least the other two will have ONE leg

4.if one of your friends was sick and ask you to "pull the plug", would you do it or would you let them die slowly and why?

Pull the plug. They've suffer more by dying slowly. I know here you got this from

5.if your friend was in a fight, what would you do and why?

Uh stop the two.... because it's sane?

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