
22 4 0

Tagged by mirakaytheanime

1. Why did you make your account?

I thought of a fanfiction idea one day. I wanted to publish it. I decided to Wattpad.

2. What was your first fandom?

Well I've liked a LOT of shows before what I knew what a fandom was so idk

3. Your first username

Its always been laneypennrules and always will be

4. Do you like potatoes?

I guess

5. What do you like most about your fandoms?

Um. I like the show...? And i get to meet new people because of them. And I like fanfics. And shipping. And videos. And yeh.

6. What do you like least in your fandom?

People in real life don't get me when I talk about them. Some people might even be rude for even liking them

7. Does anyone know you have this account?

Yes. My friends and parents

8. Did you ever get hacked or deleted?


9. What other fandoms do you want to join?

SU, Gravity Falls, Phineas and Ferb, and this new show called Milo Murphy's Law, and some anime like your lie in April, etc

10. Tag 11 people

But I'm not bothered to :/

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