lit club

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did I mention my school has a literature clib now?

you can guess where that was based off from

you can guess where that was based off from

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we nickname it the lit club lol

so I'm probably gonna start to post more writing stuff cause of it, plus we're doing short stories as a topic for English, so expect a few of those, maybe.

we had to write something about human experience, max was 1000

I wrote a poem cause I had no time and was busy with an assessment lol

Left Behind

I watch your back,
Growing smaller,
Each step you take,
You move further.

I remain still,
Arm reaching out,
In desperation,
I scream and shout.

You do not wait,
You do not stop,
You keep going,
My heart then drops.

Now left behind,
I stay in place,
I'm motionless,
Not in a haste.

I guess you're you,
And I am me,
You move forward,
And I stand still.

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