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musicals are nice. Like I've always like those kind of things cause I really like listening to songs, but I've never thought I would have like an actual interest in them.

Thank you emiliaisthename for introducing me to Heathers lol

I've started watching the movie for it cause why not, so far I'm liking the musical better lol

I also started takking an interest into 'Be more chill' after watching an MLB animatic with one of it's songs. Here it is if you wanna see it, it's cuteee

I seriously love the song and art style!!

Anyway, apparently there's no full recording of the musical though, and they may never be cause it came out years ago so


there's a book for it, which was the original

and there's a theatre version of it which is basically just the book read out

usually I'm one of those people who are too lazy too read and always choose the movie version of it, but if it's just the book being read out, then I'm just gonna read the book-

but unfortunately it costs money!!!!

and I ain't reading sample without reading the whole thing


:( :(

i also gotta get into Hamilton since lots of people seem to like it

so yes

musicals are great

oh can someone tell me why in the movie version so far, does green heather (I can't remember last names lol) seem more nicer then yellow heather, while it's the other way around in the musical?

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