oh look another tag

17 4 12

tagged by 

1. do you have a crush?

Nope. I have one on ice-blocks tho lol

2. middle name?

don't have one

3. height?

like idk, 160cm or more?

4.shoe size?

6 or 7?

5.eye colour?

dark brown. how do people's eyes change colour? mine don't

6.last time I cried?

uhhhhh idk. I forgot

7.biggest fear?

spiders, poisonous stuff, anything that can kill me

8.last song I listened to?


sung by Rin, Len, Miku, Kaito, Meiko and Luka

9. last person I texted

10. fav app?

Wattpad and YouTube

i'm supposed to tag 20 people but I'm not bothered to

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