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Tagged by mirakaytheanime

1. What fandom(s) are you in?

Grojband, MLB, SVTFOE, PZPTH, SAO, Puella magi madoka magica, OHSHC, Make it pop, pokemon, etc. I have too many

2. Who are your top 3 ships?

CORNEY  (like duh)

3. Favourite anime/tv character?

LANEY PENN (like duh)

4. Most hated anime/tv character?

I hate a lot of characters

5. Would you rather go to an anime character's world or have them come to yours?

Go to theirs

6. Anime or manga?

I have read that much manga but it's cool. I like both

7. Sub or dub?

Dub all the way. All my friends like sub for some reason

8. Have you ever cosplayed before?

If dressing up as Marinette on Halloween counts and other characters on book day or whatever then yes

9. Name of the first anime you watched

I don't quite remember.... I think it was Puella magi madoka magica or Ouran High School Host Club. But I watched Pokemon before all of that so yeah lol

10. Name of the last anime you watched

Ummm, Pokemon

11. If you had to pick 5 anime characters from any anime you wanted to be on your team for a battle, who would you chose?

Clemont from Pokemon cause he's awesome, Madoka from PMMM cause she's a GODDESS, a literal Goddess, Asuna from SAO cause she's amazing, Honey from OHSHC cause he fighst so well anddddd Sinoh from SAO

12. Favourtie kind of 'dere'?

I know what it is. I just don't know all of them. I guess I like tsundere. They're cool.

13. Is there an anime/show you've wanted to watch but haven't yet?

Your Lie In April. I've been wanting it to watch it for a while but haven't got to it yet

14. Name an anime you'd recommend to someone who's watching anime for the first time.

Ouran High School Host Club definitely. It's really cute, funny and sweet. It's really good. It's one of the first anime I watched

15. Comedy or Action?

Hmmm comedy

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