My Everything

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Guess whatanother story. This was for an assignment I handed in a few days ago, we had to use a stimilus, the stimilus I chose was, "Do I dare disturb the univere." My take on this is very weird, I hope you enjoy?

I drummed on the hard bark of the tree as I waited in anticipation, my fingers tingling unable to keep still. I bit my lip with my teeth, digging harder and harder as I thought more about what was about to occur. The looming tree, with its tall brown trunk and long thin branches dressed with vibrant colours of pink was enough to conceal myself from sight. My eyes peered from behind as I patiently awaited their arrival.

I soon caught a glimpse of them.

Approaching from opposite directions, the sluggish speed of their sauntering made me the all more anxious. Could it really be that time of the month again? It had only been a few weeks and they were already breaking it off, though of course I wasn't surprised, this was normal.

I had known these two for three years, 16 hours, 11 minutes and 29 seconds to be exact. I've known them since their first meeting, and I remember everything. Their dialogue, facial expressions, awkwardness, and how that all lead to a beautiful relationship . After that, I began to observe them, becoming more and more intrigued. Their contrasting personalities, dramatic conflicts, sweet intimacy, their relationship was a stimulant and I was prepared to overdose.

But lately, their relationship had become extremely on and off. One day, they would be giggling beside each other, inseparable, as if they were stuck together with glue. The next day they would be having a dispute over something pointless. The universe liked to toy with me sometimes.

I spied on the two, the boy meeting the girl. A cool breeze began to blow as spicks and specks of sunlight touched their clothes and faces. Pink cherry blossoms were carried by the wind, dancing and twirling. It was as if we were in a dream, I didn't want to wake up.

I came back to my senses when I saw the utter disgust on their faces. Their eyes squinted and mouths turned downward, scowls forming.

"Well hel-" The boy started off, but was immediately cut off.

"Oh quit stalling. You're trying to avoid talking about what you did wrong," Bitterness was filled in her voice, her arms crossed over her chest.

"I did nothing wrong!" The boy defended, unwilling to sacrifice his dignity.

"Sure, so you talking to that girl never happened?"

"I was helping her with homework!"

I tuned them both out knowing how this would turn out. Why did the universe keep on playing me like this? Did it not want me to feel satisfied and complete? The only thing I asked for was for these two to be together, but I knew this wouldn't last long with how hot and cold their relationship was.

Their relationship would be reaching an end sooner or later.


Maybe sooner.

As they continued to fight, I felt something burn within me, telling me that I should do something, anything. I couldn't let the universe control everything, it had no right. This feeling... Whether it be anger, determination or everything combined, was pushing me to change their future and prevent their relationship from ending in flames.

Did I dare disturb the universe?

Yes I did.

Coming out of hiding, I made my way to the pair, my veins running with confidence. The two turned their heads towards me, eyes wide, mouths agape, staring as if I was some crazy stalker who had decided to reveal themself... which is what actually happened.

"You can't do this now! What about everything you've been through... together? All those moments, whether it be happy or sad, you were together. Do they mean nothing to you?! Because they do to me!" Passion in my voice, I made my case.

The two, speechless, looked at each other than at me. I prayed that the universe would listen to my plea.

Then after a few seconds...

"Who the heck are you?!" The girl yelled in my face.

"Are you a stalker???" The boy questioned.

I blubbered out a bunch of jumbled up words, stuttering incoherently as I attempted to think of an excuse which didn't make me sound like some kind of sick psycho.

"Is this some cruel prank? Did you bring this girl to mock me?!" The girl suddenly accused the boy.

"What?! I've never even met her before!" The boy once again tried to protect himself.

The girl turned, stomping away, her loud footsteps heavy as if they could shake the entire ground. "I NEVER WANNA SEE YOU AGAIN!" She was then out of sight.

The boy was left to process what had just occurred in the past few minutes.

Did I just ruin their relationship forever? Am I the reason they will never get together?


Truly, the universe was against me being happy.

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