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| Forbidden Sparks |


     Have you ever had a dream that haunts you from the moment you open your eyes in the morning? One that can't seem to leave your mind all day, one that you dissect for hours to try to make sense of it? Yeah, well I, Acacia Sparks, had one of my very own this morning. You know how people always say, "When you dream about someone you know, it means they miss you," Yeah well, if that's the case, I really don't know what to think.

     The vividness of the dream scared me a little. It was so real for me, like a distant memory. Maybe it was a vision from another life. I don't know, I've always believed in things like that, call me crazy.




     His blue eyes just stared into mine, boring into me. I wanted so desperately to look away from him, but I couldn't. It was like if I did, my eyes would hurt from the sight of anything but him.

     He was always there, and sometimes I would catch him looking at me. But he would never tear his eyes away from me when I caught him. It was like he wanted me to catch him staring or something. After a while it became a game. I would love when he would look at me. Or perhaps I just loved the way he looked at me. The way it made me feel. It always put this torn uneasy feeling in my stomach because no matter how badly I wanted him, I could never have him.

     But here he was, right in front of my face. We had never been this close before. I could feel his warm minty breath on my lips. He pushed a loose strand of auburn hair away from my face. If any other guy would have done that I would have probably laughed in his face for being so damn cliché. But not him. No matter what he did, I was always intrigued by it. And for that I hated myself in a way for being so caught up in him. Who am I kidding, every girl who knew him was caught up in him. Or maybe it was just the idea of him with his dark hair, blue eyes, and rugged Nirvana shirts. Honestly, I wish I could tell you what it was, but I can't. I've been trying to figure him out for seven years and I'm still in the exact same spot I was the day I met him.

     But on the other hand, we had this rare, electric understanding of each other, and anyone who saw us in a room together knew it. It was magnetic the way we would feed off of each other. Sometimes she would get mad, it was obvious. She didn't want me to have any type of contact with him anymore. If she knew how we'd turn out, she would have made sure we'd never met. I'm forever in debt to her for introducing us all those years ago.

     Deep down I cared for this boy, a lot more than I should. And I knew that being in this situation with him was dangerous. Sometimes I couldn't control my actions around him.

     I wish I could tear open my stomach and let all the butterflies I feel around him free. I was stuck in his tar pit trap. Each moment he stood staring at me, I was in quicksand, quickly falling deeper into the moment the more my mind tried to protest against this.

     "You know, there's something I've been wanting to do for a long time now," his eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips then back up again.

      "Then do it," I responded softly, right before his lips collided with mine. I'm not going to lie, I've been waiting for this for a long time. I knew it was wrong, so, so wrong, but I couldn't stop him. I didn't want to stop him. So, I did what any other girl in this situation would do.

     Kiss back.




     The worst part of the dream was that I realized it wasn't a dream. It was last night.

     And he was not just a handsome stranger. He was my best friend's brother.

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