[chapter three]

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|Forbidden Sparks |
[chapter three]
[Acacia's p.o.v]

As the words flowed off my tongue, they tasted like poison. The look on his face in front of me shattered my heart into one hundred and one pieces. Brody wasn't expecting to hear the sentence that just left my mouth. Not from me, or any girl in fact. I don't think any female had ever rejected him before like I had just done. But his sad, puzzled expression had changed in what felt like an instant. His soft blue eyes became darker.

He opened his mouth to say something, and he did not look happy, especially when the fake school bell interrupted whatever he was about to say to me. When the tons of students flooded their way into the hallways, for once in my whole entire life I was glad to no longer be alone with Brody Matthews. I knew him well enough to know he wasn't going to spit out what he wanted to with all these people around. I'm sure he wanted people to know about us just as little as I did. This time it was Brody who basically stormed off. I could practically see the steam coming from his ears, the only thing that was missing was him kicking the damn wall or something.

"Dammit," I mumbled to myself as the whole student body shuffled passed me. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt him or make him mad. I had to go against every bone in my body to not go after him through those big brown doors he burned through. But he needed to know that we couldn't continue whatever the hell we were doing. Actually, I didn't even know what to call it.

In an odd way I felt proud that the hottest guy in college was into me. Of course, it wouldn't be so odd if he wasn't my best friend's older brother. I mean, I wasn't one of those girls who blabbed proudly all about their conquests and hookups, but I wasn't afraid to say anything either. Believe me, I've been to enough college parties for people to know I was no prude.

Not knowing what else to do, I decided to go take a trip to the campus Starbucks. I had a free period, might as well drown my endless thoughts in a cup of caffeine. Maybe even light up one of the Marlboros that are at the bottom of my black-hole of a purse. I'm not a big smoker, but if you have a pack you're instantly everyone's best friend on campus--that or a water bottle full of vodka.

I had been so deep in my own introspection that I wasn't even fully aware I had made it to the Starbucks until the intense smell of coffee cleared my sinuses. I was shocked to see usually packed coffee shop empty. The only human being besides myself was the barista. There was no Aspen and Kellan sitting in the corner making out. No Katy Burke sipping her frappuccino at the table that was missing a bolt. No boys from the fraternity to sit there and gawk at my low cut top. And most importantly, there was no Brody Matthews sitting with to-go cup with his ear-buds in. This meant I was able to think and enjoy my coffee by myself without any distractions.

"Um, one Grande Mocha with a pump of raspberry and extra whip." Fuck it, I'm going full fat today. Not one of those diet non-fat, low calorie lattes that I hate so much but drink anyway.

"Four, ninety-five," the girl behind the counter said. I couldn't help but give her a once-over. She had a pretty face, green eyes, and a nice jawline. Her long blonde hair was pulled up into a cheerleader ponytail. She couldn't be older than I was. It made sense that all the frat boys constantly flirt with her. I guess that's what I do; I overly observe people. I can't help it. I suppose I just like to take everything in. I'm always afraid I'm going to miss something.

I handed her the money, and then waited very impatiently for my daily dose of caffeine. I had left the dorm so late this morning that I had forgotten to grab a cup of coffee. And trust me, Acacia without coffee was not a good Acacia.

I kissed Brody for the second time in two days.

And the most surprising thing of it all, I told him it couldn't happen again. Which meant from now on it was destined that things would be uncomfortable between the two of us. I had turned down the boy that's been in heart for seven years now. Brody Matthews was my first crush when I was thirteen. Before I met him I thought I had had several crushes, but when I met him I knew those didn't even mean anything. They were simply just atoms that did not cross my mind twice after I laid eyes on Brody. Though, after that of course I had other crushes and relationships. But his blue eyes were always sitting in the back of my mind begging to know when the next time I'd see him was. Yet, today I shut down any further steps with him. Dammit, why did I have to be such a good, loyal friend?

"Acacia, your coffee is ready," the blonde girl said, disturbing the conversation I was having in my brain. I guess she knew my name because I was here everyday. Maybe I should learn hers.

"Uh, thanks," I took a glance at her name tag. "Becca."

I drank the drink like there was no tomorrow. My coffee hasn't tasted this good since junior year. What the hell was I thinking when I started getting those tasteless, pathetic excuses of a coffee everyday?

Sitting back down at my lonely little brown table, I was done thinking of Brody. He had completely consumed the last two days for me. It's all I've been thinking about. I need to really get it out of my head. And luckily for me; I have a gym membership.

I grabbed my bag, thanked Becca again for the drink and was about to make my way out, when someone else was making their way in.


Miles Draven, the guy that I majorly checked out during the twenty minutes I was in psychology. He looked hot in his black V-neck.

"Hey, Acacia right?" He asked me.

"Yeah. Hey, what's up?" I asked while getting up, so now we were both standing. He was a good amount taller than I was, so I was forced to look up.

"Is this your phone? I think you left in psychology when Mr. Murray kicked you out," he said while letting out a small chuckle. He held up a thin black iPhone with a Leonardo DiCaprio phone case.

"Oh my God, I didn't even know I left it there! Thanks for bringing Leo back to me!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, well, consider yourself lucky, I was highly considering keeping it. I can't resist DiCaprio's dreamy blue eyes. They melt me."

At this point I couldn't hold my laughter in. "Wow, I guess I am pretty lucky then. I can't have someone stealing my man."

"This is a warning. Next time I find it, he's my man. Every night I dream that I'm Rose and Jack is holding me." He said so seriously that I lost it. Miles never broke character.

"Dude, you're killing me here!" I was laughing so hard, my stomach started to hurt.

The laughter between the both of us finally died down into a normal conversation. "I'm Miles, by the way." He put his hand out for me shake. I couldn't help but admire how attractive he was. What can I say, I'm a sucker for a pretty boy.

I bit my lip and shook his hand, "I know. We've been taking psychology together for like two months now."

"I know. And I can't believe I haven't introduced myself sooner." He gave me a smile that could like up this whole campus. His eyes reminded me of green oak leaves. Miles looked even better than he had before in the dark light of the lecture room. The rays of sun coming through the coffee shop windows emphasized the flecks of gold in his green eyes and hair.

"I never really see you around campus."

"Yeah, well I'm a senior plus I don't live in a dorm. My roommate and I have an apartment off campus."

"If you're a senior, why are you in a sophomore class?" I questioned.

"Because I'm an idiot who started taking psychology this year instead of freshman year."

"Ah, I see," I decided to change the subject, I didn't want to hear anymore about how he was so much older than I was. He probably thinks I'm young, just like Brody did. Ah, Brody. There's someone I haven't thought about for ten minutes. "Anyway, thanks for my phone. You're a real lifesaver. See you in psych."

"Wait, let me give you my number. You know, just in case you lose Leo again."

"Yeah...just in case." I gave him one of my flirty smiles. I couldn't help the feeling of butterflies in my stomach.

After he put his contact into my phone and mine in his, he left me with the words, "See you around, Acacia."

And that was basically the high point of my day.

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