[chapter fourteen]

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| Forbidden Sparks |

[chapter fourteen]

(Acacia's p.o.v.)


Adrian fucking Kole.

              My heart sank quicker than the Titanic. And as my heart was dropping to the bottom of my stomach, I felt something else finding it's way up my throat. I quickly swallowed whatever was about to come up, and focused on the fact that I was on the phone with the person who almost ruined my life.


        'Just try it', he said. 'Just once,' he begged. 'For me,' he pleaded.

          I stared at the shiny white powder in front of my face. If you looked closely enough you should see how it glistened like diamonds when the light hit it a certain way. It was just sitting there, staring at me. Begging me to do it. And so was everyone else. I knew I shouldn't.

         But me being the dumbass eighteen-year old I was, did.  Only I didn't end up just 'trying it' and I didn't do it 'just once'.

          My nose burned so badly, I felt like a fire breathing dragon with flaming nostrils. Everyone cheered and gave me looks of approval before they went and did their lines. I felt so alive. Pure ecstasy. I looked to Adrian, who's blue eyes were locked in mine with a pure drug-induced lust.

I wish I could say that turned me off.

But it didn't.

I wish I could say that was the only time Adrian made me do that.

But it wasn't.


              I shook off the unwelcomed memory and dove back into reality.

              I chose my next words carefully. "Why are you calling?" Not as good as I could have done, but oh well.

             "Can't an old friend call to catch up?" His stone cold voice gave me chills through the phone. I could almost picture the condescending words falling from his lips. That were unfortunately very beautiful.

              "No, they can't," I protested. "Not you."

His chuckled rumbled through my cell phone. "Oh, Acacia. Always so suspicious. I'm just calling to let you know I'm in town and --"

"Great. And now I know to double lock my doors. Anything else?" I sharply spat. I could feel my blood, flaming hot.

"Calm down. I was just wondering if I could see you. I'm out of rehab now and I've cleaned myself up, and changed."

Changed, my ass. People like Adrian Kole don't change. Sure you can get ride of ugly habits, (like I did, thank god) but you can't get rid of an ugly personality. Manipulation is not a hot trait to have.

"No, Adrian. You can't see me, because I've cleaned myself up and changed too. So, no." I said firmly. There's no way I'm letting myself fall back into that tar trap. I did not go through counseling and narcotics meetings just to somehow get caught up in him again.

"Okay...well it was worth a shot. If you change your mind, I'm just a phone call away." Adrian calmly stated. Which surprised me a bit, based on my distant yet vivid memory of him.

"Yep. And that's still too close for my comfort. Okay, well, take care of yourself."

He let out another small laugh and said, "You too, Acacia."

I quickly ended the phone call before any other words could be exchanged. That was already too long for my liking. I was planning on hanging up immediately but as always, my curiosity got the best of me.

I quickly called Aspen to tell her all about it. I needed someone to talk me off the ledge and no one does it better than her when it comes to Adrian.

After explaining the entire phone call to her, she finally broke her silence, in exception of the few "oh my god's" she let out during the story.

"Acacia! Block that number right now. His bullshit is the last thing you need in your life. How dare that asshole call you?" She paused for a second, but knowing her, that meant a further rant was coming. And I'm happy it did. "You did not push him out of your life, and go through months of meetings and counseling for him to pop up out of nowhere and claim he's changed! Look, I don't know much in life, but I do know men. And trust me, they never change. Ever. They just lie and say they have to get another chance, and almost all the time, they don't deserve one."

"I know. I know. I just wasn't expecting that, that's all. I mean hope he's actually changed but --" I started but got cut off by overbearing best friend who I needed right now.

"He probably hasn't! And if he has, great! But he doesn't deserve to see you, or even call you. So, block that bitch's number and I'll be there soon with wine."

I let out a small chuckle, "Thanks. I really, really needed that. Red, please!"

"Of course!" She replied and we said our goodbyes and hung up.

Pep talks like that is what makes her a great friend. Just imagine months of those conversations while I was going through my regretted drug problem. I'm forever in debt to her for stepping up and being the most supportive person possible.

Block his number now, Acacia.

Do it.

My finger was hovering over the 'block' button. Just one small, petty, millimeter away. But my hand was frozen.

Why couldn't I bring myself to do it?

No matter how much I wanted it to, my thumb wouldn't move. It just stayed there idle. I was so close. So close to ridding my life of him for good, just like I thought I had already done months ago. Why the hell couldn't I do it? I mean, I wanted to.

Okay. I'm going to.

As I went to cross the finish line and block this bastard, my phone went black.

Are you fucking kidding?

My phone died. What the hell is this world doing to me? Does it just enjoy torturing me? Am I just a phenomenon for all of the universes jokes?


Author's note:
Thank you everyone for reading. Please leave comments and vote! I hope you're enjoying this so far. Sorry it was kind of a short chapter. I just wanted to give a little back story with Adrian and show another peek into her friendship with Aspen and why it's so important.

Please comment thoughts! They make my day. Xx.

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