[chapter sixteen]

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| Forbidden Sparks |
[chapter sixteen]
(Acacia's p.o.v)

"I have to talk to you about Brody. ASAP."

The text make my stomach drop. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks. About Brody? I knew she couldn't be texting me such an urgency just tell me to hook up with him. It had to be something important.

I had to quickly recover from my surprise so Aspen wouldn't notice. She continued on dishing her gossip for another few moments but then left to go meet up with Kellan and his friends.

Holly's eyes followed Aspen until she fully left the coffee shop. I was practically overfilled with anticipation, about to combust at any second.

"Okay, are we clear?" I asked.

"Yep. She's off, probably about to catch an STD."

I couldn't help but stifle a small chuckle. "Okay! You're killing me. What was that text about?"

Her dark eyes filled with pleasure. The kind of pleasure a female gets from knowing juicy gossip. "So, you know how Ian and I are pretty good friends?" Ah, yes Ian. One of Brody's best friends.

"Yes. Now spill, bitch."

"I'm getting there! Calm down," She gave me a surprised glare. "So, him and I were at a bar the other day, and we were playing 'Fuck, Marry, Kill', and your name had popped up and he said, "I'd fuck Acacia but Brody would kill me", and me being the greatest friend in the world, and you and Brody's number one supporter, I decided to ask what he meant by that," she stopped for a moment to look at me as I tried to catch up.

I was slightly annoyed she paused. I was dying to know what she was about to say, and she knew it. "Holly, c'mon!"

"Okay, okay. It's just so strange being the one with the gossip for once. I like it," she said before diving back into the story.
"And Ian, being the drunk idiot he usually is, let his mouth run. He said, and I quote! 'Are you kidding? Brody's been after Acacia for years', did you hear that? Years! He's wanted you for years, Acacia."

I'm not going to lie, hearing that made my heart beat faster and I felt all weird and tingly. The guy I've liked for years, could have possibly liked me back for years? Isn't that the start of every good rom-com?

But it also, made me feel horrible. All I've been doing is telling him how it could never happen, and basically think of him as a liar.

"What else did he say?" I asked urgently.

"Well after some more digging, he said that Brody has been into you for a long ass time, and basically has had dibs on you since you guys were fetus'."

"Wow," was all I managed to let out. All this time, he's been into me. Yeah, I know we would flirt all the time but hearing it confirmed by his best friend? It made my moments with him seem more worth it. More worthy of going behind my best friend's back.

"Acacia! Why aren't you jumping up and down? Now you can fuck him and know that he actually has real feelings for you."

I couldn't take it anymore, despite not wanting to tell anyone; I needed someone to know. "Might be a little late for that."

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