[chapter twelve]

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| Forbidden Sparks |

[chapter twelve]

(Acacia's p.o.v)



Morals suck. They ruin anything with an ounce of fun it in. Just when you want to do something, they are always there to creep up and tell you it's wrong. And if you're a decent enough person, you're smart enough to believe them.

They especially suck if you have a sex drive.

It's been a full week since my last encounter with Brody. And you know what? It felt kind of good. Less drama. Less guilt. Less sex. It's okay, though. Believe it or not, it's relieving when you're not betraying your best friend. Did I want to be with him? I don't know. Yes, I guess I do. I keep telling myself I only want him so badly because he's always been off limits. Why would I sacrifice two friendships for something that may not even work out.

Aspen has been off my case and things have gone back to normal; aside from the occasional gripping guilt lingering in the back of my mind always there to remind me I was a shitty friend. But of course she doesn't know that. The only suspicion she has of me is taking her favorite lip liner. Yet another thing to add to list as to why I'm a bad person.

I'm at the point in my life where I don't have many answers to things. I haven't even mastered wearing matching socks yet. But I may have a solution to one of my many first-world problems.


Yes, that's right. The answer to all of my libido needs. He's offered to take me on a date numerous times this week but I've been so caught up in finishing things before deadlines for my professors. I haven't even gotten to make-out with him yet, which is something I've been wanting to do all week. Also, if I do that it'll probably get my mind off Brody. When it comes to moving on, nothing works quite as well as having your tongue in someone else's mouth.

So in a desperate moment of need I did something I'd never thought I'd bring myself so low to do and texted, "You up?" to Miles and sent it. He probably won't even answer. It's so late, and I'm tired as hell. I wanted to kick myself for sending what fuckboys on the hunt for a booty-call text me and a lot of other unfortunate girls. But you know what? Isn't that what college is about? Booty-calls and lectures?

             Even though it was two in the morning and we had class in five hours, my phone screen immediately lit up with a reply.

             "Did you really just hit me with the 'you up?' Are you attempting booty-calling me?"

              "How bad would it be if I was? Should I stop?" I smiled as I typed.

                "Oh no, don't stop. Continue please." He replied quickly again. One thing I loved about Miles was his sarcastic, quick wit. It was always fun to talk to him.

                I anticipated a reply, but before I knew it, my eyes were slowly closing. No, damn it! Not now. Not when I'm about to fix all of my sexual frustration. But drowsiness won this battle, and I dozed off, and dreamed of kick ass booty-call.


Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Why do I always have to wake up late? Can't time be on my side just once?

"Aspen! Why didn't you wake me up?" I yelled into the other room as I quickly pulled myself out of bed to start getting ready.

"I figured you were up," She popped her perfectly curled blonde head into my room. "Your phone has been buzzing like crazy, I thought you would have heard it." Shit. I left Miles hanging last night. My mind started racing about that until I took notice of Aspen. She was surprisingly already completely dressed and ready.

"Wait, why are you ready so early? You're usually at least an hour late to everything." I said as I squeezed my ass into some skinny jeans, and rummaged through my closet for a clean shirt. I settled on a black sweater that hung off and exposed my shoulders. I still needed some sort of sex appeal if I'm going to get laid anytime soon.

"Maybe I'm changing my ways," she said. I knew that couldn't be possible. I gave her look. "Plus, some slut in my business class keeps asking Kellan for his 'notes'." She fluffed up her hair in the mirror, and added some extra coats of mascara.

"Maybe she just needs notes for the class," I tried to reason with her. Oh, Aspen, always thinking people are after her boy toys.

"Oh please, no she doesn't. I know all of the tricks in the book. When I ask for notes, I ask for dick."

Her comment caused me to burst into laughter. "Dear god, I love you." There it was. This moment reminded me of why I can't be with Brody. I couldn't not have these moments with my best friend. What Brody said about Aspen not being a good friend to me hit hard. But she is a good friend and he had no right to say that to me. What does he know? He's been gone, and she helped me through tough times. Adrian times. That's what matters. She helped me through the hardest times in my life and that's not something you can throw away.

I added some lip liner, and a few coats of mascara to make my eyes pop and I was ready to go. Wow, I actually got completely ready in ten minutes. Record time compared to the usual two hours it takes me.

I gave myself a quick once over in the mirror and was pretty satisfied with the result, especially with such little effort and time put into it. "Alright let's go!" I said to Aspen as we left for our day.

After we went our separate ways I was forced to face the fact that both Miles and Brody are in my psychology class.

This should be fun.




Author's note: hi guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's unedited as of now because I wrote it on my phone. Sorry if it's kind of boring. Please comment and vote what you think will happen! Xx

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